非ケトン性高浸透圧性糖尿病性昏睡の治療方針 : Low-dose Dopamine療法の応用
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In the acute neurosurgical setting, nonketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemic coma (NHC) is thought to be caused by cerebral dehydration therapy and administration of steroids, glycerol, or mannitol. The mortality of this complication is reportedly very high, and is due to acute renal and/or cardiac failure. The authors evaluated the effect of low-dose dopamine (LDD; 1 to 5 μg/kg/min) administration in 10 patients with this syndrome. LDD was given to five patients. In these cases, hypovolemia was treated under central venous pressure monitoring with an iso-osmolar hyponatremic lactate solution given in a volume greater than the urine output. After the hypovolemia was corrected, the fluid was administered in a volume equal to the urine output until the serum osmolarity was normalized. In the five patients not given LDD, a large quantity of hypotonic solution was rapidly administered. In all patients treated with LDD, the urinary sodium increased and the urinary output stabilized. Consequently, the excess urea-nitrogen and serum sodium were quite easily washed out. The total net intake volume for the normalization of serum osmolarity was small and the duration of treatment was much shorter than that of patients not treated with LDD. The LDD regimen was not associated with complications, such as aggravation of cerebral edema, renal failure, or cardiac failure. On the other hand, three of the five patients not given LDD died of acute renal and/or cardiac failure without normalization of laboratory data. It is emphasized that this therapy, which results in β-effect of catecholamine, sodium diuresis, and increased renal blood flow, is a practical means of managing acute neurosurgical cases complicated by NHC.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1989-10-15
下田 雅美
小田 真理
小田 真理
東海大学 救命救急医学
下田 雅美
津金 隆一
下田 雅美
津金 隆一
山田 晋也
山田 晋也
篠田 正樹
日高 充
山本 勇夫
佐藤 修
篠田 正樹
津金 隆一
東海大学医学部附属大磯病院 神経内科
佐藤 修
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