124. Alterations of Oxytocin and Prostaglandins Levels in Human Plasma during Labor
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1981-12-01
Kato K
Dept. Of Materials Science And Engineering National Defense Academy
Ogawa T
Dept. Appl. Microbial Technology Kumamoto Institute Of Technology
Makimura N
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College Saitama
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., National Defense Med. College, Saitama
Nagata I
Dept. Obst. Gynec. National Defense Med. College
Makimura N
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College
Makimura N
Dept. Obst Gynec. National Defense Med. College.
- グレーティングカップリング多重励起型表面プラズモン共鳴センサー(発光・表示記録用有機材料およびデバイス・一般)
- グレーティングカップリング多重励起型表面プラズモン共鳴センサー(発光・表示記録用有機材料及びデバイス・一般)
- グレーティングカップリング多重励起型表面プラズモン共鳴センサー(発光・表示記録用有機材料及びデバイス・一般)
- AFMナノリソグラフィによる導電性高分子前駆体の局所表面形状操作(有機材料・一般)
- 交互吸着法による有機色素-カーボンナノチューブ複合超薄膜の作製と評価(有機薄膜・複合膜とデバイス応用,一般)
- 五酸化バナジウム/銅フタロシアニン薄膜トランジスタの作製と特性評価(有機材料・薄膜・界面・デバイス/フィルムベースデバイスのための界面制御とプロセス技術)
- 光導波路型表面プラズモン共鳴および水晶振動子微量天秤法を用いた複合蒸気センシング
- 光導波路型表面プラズモン共鳴および水晶振動子微量天秤法を用いた複合蒸気センシング(有機薄膜・複合膜とデバイス応用,一般)
- アゾベンゼン分子薄膜の近接場光加工とサブミクロン物質の配列制御(薄膜プロセス・材料,一般)
- 細管内金属ワイヤ電極を用いたエレクトロスピニング法による高分子ファイバーの作製(薄膜プロセス・材料,一般)
- CS-4-7 ポリ(3-アミノベンジルアミン)を用いた電気化学-表面プラズモン共鳴分光法によるカテコールアミンの検出(CS-4.有機・バイオデバイスに向けた界面の役割,シンポジウムセッション)
- ナノ構造制御有機薄膜の表面プラズモン励起と放射光
- CuPc薄膜FETへのV_2O_5薄膜の積層による効果
- CuPc薄膜FETへのV_2O_5薄膜の積層による効果(機能性有機薄膜,一般)
- 交互吸着法を用いたレジオレギュラーポリチオフェン/金微粒子複合薄膜の作製(有機材料・デバイス・一般)
- エバネッセント波を用いたアゾ色素分子薄膜の光加工(機能性有機薄膜・一般)
- 表面プラズモン・導波モード同時励起型全反射減衰法によるSiO_2配向膜上5CB液晶分子の配向評価
- 有機EL素子における電気伝導の温度特性とキャリア挙動
- 透過型グレーティングカップリング表面プラズモン共鳴特性の評価
- Surface Plasmon Excitation and Emission Light properties for Prism/MgF_2/Ag/MEH-PPV Film Structure
- Prism/Ag/MEH-PPV/C60/Al構造における表面プラズモン励起と光電特性(機能性有機薄膜・一般)
- 基礎・材料・共通部門技術委員会・調査専門委員会の活動内容・状況を報告する : 有機薄膜及び複合膜のナノ界面物性とデバイス・センサ応用調査専門委員会
- 新潟支所の活動紹介
- 細管内金属ワイヤ電極を用いたエレクトロスピニング法による高分子ファイバの作製と構造観察
- 有機薄膜および複合膜の評価技術とデバイス応用の最近の進展
- Fabrication and Characteristics of Field-Effect Transistors with Vanadium Pentoxide and Copper Phthalocyanine Multilayers
- 五酸化バナジウム/銅フタロシアニン薄膜トランジスタの作製と特性評価
- 対向ターゲット式反応性スパッタ法によるCu-Al-O薄膜の作製と熱処理効果(薄膜プロセス・材料,一般)
- CS-6-3 金属格子上白色光照射表面プラズモン共鳴法を用いたセンサー応用(CS-6.環境・バイオに関わるセンシング材料とデバイス,シンポジウムセッション)
- 偏極光近接場における光異性化反応を用いたアゾ色素分子薄膜の光加工
- 局所表面プラズモンおよび水晶振動子微量天秤法を用いたガスセンシング
- 局所表面プラズモンおよび水晶振動子微量天秤法を用いたガスセンシング(有機材料,一般)
- 局所表面プラズモンおよび水晶振動子微量天秤法を用いたガスセンシング
- 全反射減衰法および放射光によるポリスチレン微小球吸着膜の評価
- CS-11-10 分子幾何と表面プラズモン放射光(CS-11.有機エレクトロニクスにおける分子幾何学-界面・超構造・配向およびデバイス形成におけるトポロジー-,シンポジウム)
- CS-6-4 蛍光色素薄膜構造と表面プラズモン励起放射光(CS-6.薄膜の高機能発現をともなう低温成膜技術の最前線,シンポジウム)
- Prism/Ag/MEH-PPV/C60/Al 構造における表面プラズモン励起と光電特性
- 白色光分光全反射減衰法によるメロシアニンLB膜の評価
- CS-5-3 蛍光色素による表面プラズモン放射光と薄膜構造(CS-5.ナノスケール時代を迎えた薄膜電子材料の展開,エレクトロニクス2)
- 白色光照射グレーティングカップリング表面プラズモン共鳴法のセンサー応用(有機材料・一般)
- Surface Plasmon Excitation and Emission Light Property for Otto/Kretschmann Configuration with MEH-PPV Film
- Electrocatalytic Oxidation Properties of Ascorbic Acid at Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Films Studied by Electrochemical-Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy
- Adsorption and Surface Plasmon Emission Light of Polystyrene Spheres with Fluorescent Dye on Ag Thin Film
- Preparation and Evaluation of Aligned Naphthacene Thin Films Using Surface Plasmon Excitation(Evaluation of Organic Materials,Towards the Realization of Organic Molecular Electronics)
- Fabrication and Ethanol Vapor Treatment of Magnesium Phthalocyanine Field Effect Transistor
- Preparation and Evaluation of Aligned Naphthacene Thin Films Using Surface Plasmon Excitation(Fabrication of organic materials)
- Adsorption of Dye-doped Polystyrene Spheres and Surface Plasmon Emission Light Properties(Evaluation of organic materials)
- Preparation and Evaluation of Aligned Naphthacene Thin Films Using Surface Plasmon Excitation
- Organic Field-Effect Transistor with V_2O_5 Thin Film between Organic and Insulator Layers
- Structure and Properties Due to NO_2 Gas in Copper Phthalocyanine Films Prepared by Oblique Vacuum Evaporation Method
- Surface Plasmon Excitation and Emitted Light Properties in Otto/Kretschmann Configuration
- Structure and Properties of Aluminum Phtalocyanine Chloride Thin Films Due to Vapor Treatments
- Adsorption of Dye-doped Polystyrene Spheres and Surface Plasmon Emission Light Properties
- Thermoelectric Characteristics of Sintered SiC/Cu Semiconductors
- 301. Studies on Glycogen Metabolism of Streptozotocin- Induced Diabetic Rat in Pregnancy
- 298. Studies of Somatomedin C in Diabetic Pregnant Women, their Infants and Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats on Fetal Growth
- 93. Changes of Plasma Prolactin, ACTH, LH, and FSH Levels Following Epidural Micro-Injections of Morphine Hydrochloride for the Post-Operative Analgesic Method
- 36. The Relationship to the Effect of Uterin Relaxation with Bricanyl (B: Adrenargic β_2-Receptor Stimulant) and Oytocin (OX) in Fullterm Labor
- 312. Effects of Metergoline on Women with Normoprolactinemic Anovulation
- 309. Effects of CB-154 and Dopamine on Gonadotropin and Prolactin Secretion
- 162. Variation of Catecholamine and Plethysmogram in the Cases with Mixed Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 106. Effect of Adrenergic β_2 Receptor Stimulant (Terbutaline Sulfate) and Steroid Hormones on the Rat and Human Myometrium
- 384. Metabolic Significance of Cyclic Nucleotides in the Environment for Fetal Growth : Effects of PGI_2-Like Substance on Fetal Platelet Function
- Fabrication and Surface Plasmon Excitation in Thin Films of Fluorescent Microspheres with Polyvinyl alcohol
- 「第6回有機エレクトロニクス国際シンポジウム(ISOME2010)」開催報告 : M&BE研究活性化支援金 活動報告
- 透過型表面プラズモン共鳴法によるポリピロール誘導体薄膜上ヒトIgGの検出(センサ,デバイス,一般)
- Surface Plasmon Excitation and Emission Light Properties Using Hybrid Setup of Prism and Grating Coupling
- 122. Effects of Heparin on Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and Serum Lipids in Patients with Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 65. Studies on Apolipoprotein C-II, and E in Pregnancy
- 323. Studies on Hyperlipemia in Pregnancy : Lipoprotein Fraction in Toxemic Pregnancy
- グレーティングカップリング表面プラズモン共鳴を利用した色素増感太陽電池の光電変換特性向上(作製・評価技術・一般,有機材料・一般)
- CS-4-3 光導波路分光・水晶振動子複合センサを用いた有機薄膜の堆積評価(CS-4.有機半導体の物性とデバイス応用および今後の展開,シンポジウムセッション)
- 64. Some Mechanisms of Prolactin Secretion-Hormonal Profile in Anovulatory Women Inducing Ovulation with HMG-HCG or Clomid Therapy
- 54. Monitoring by Serum CA 125, Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) and α-hydroxy-butyrate Dehydrogenase (HBD) Levels in Gynecological Carcinomas
- 37. Studies on Draining Routes of Interstitial Fluid out of Corpus Uteri and on Operative Procedures for Endometrial Carcinoma
- Studies for Serum and Tissue Concentration of Enolase Isozymes and Creatine Kinase Isozymes in Patients of Malignant Tumor
- 80. Effects of Ovarian Steroid Hormones on Prostaglandin E1 Receptor and Oxytocin Receptor in Pregnant Rabbit Myometrium
- 79. Changes of Plasma Prostaglandin F in Late Pregnancy and Clinical Outcomes of Labor in Oxytocin-dominant and Subordinate Types of Labor
- 341. Change in Concentrations of PGs E_1,E_2 and F_ in the Utero-Placental Tissue of Term R,Rabbits during Experimental Induction of Labor
- 340. The Effect of Hormones on the Prostaglandin Production by the Human Placenta
- 38. Changes in Plasma Prostaglandins and Oxytocin Levels in PGF_ and PGE_2 Induced Labors
- 124. Alterations of Oxytocin and Prostaglandins Levels in Human Plasma during Labor
- 180. Influence of Intake of High Fat Diet on Endocrinological State and Endometrial Carcinogenesis of Androgen-sterilized Rats
- 52. The Secretory Patterns of Pituitary Hormones in Hyperprolactinemic Patients with Pituitary Tumors
- 303. Effects of a Dopamine Antagonist on the Release of the Adenohypophyseal Hormones in Amenorrheic Patients with and without Hyperprolactinemia
- Enhanced Transmission Surface Plasmon Resonance Signal via Growth of Gold Nanoparticles on Grating Surface
- エバネッセント波と表面プラズモン共鳴を利用した有機デバイス・センサ(材料・光物性・センシング,有機デバイス全般・一般)
- 透過型表面プラズモン共鳴分光/マイクロ流体デバイスの作製とバイオセンサーへの応用(材料・光物性・センシング,有機デバイス全般・一般)
- Fundamental Study on the Measurement of Plasma Concentration of Oxytocin in Perinatology
- Evaluation of Anatomical Profile of Uterine Prolapse and Individualization of Reparative Operation Using Score System and Urethrocystohysterography
- Changes in Plasma Concentrations of Oxytocin, cAMP and cGMP during Spontaneous Labor and Labor Induced by Oxytocin and Prostaglandins
- 32. Anatomical Changes of Urethrovesical Junction and Vagina after Repair Operation of Genital Prolapse Evaluated by X-ray Subtraction Urethrocystography and Colpograhy
- Correation of Prolactin (PRL) in Amniotic Fluid and Fetal Membrane Prostaglandin E_2 (PGE_2) on the Initiation of Labor
- 442. Studies on β-endorphin, ACTH, Cortisol and Prolactin Levels during Labor and Delivety with No Anesthesia or with Epidural Anesthesia, and in Cesarean Section
- 56. Changes of the Human Uterine Cervix and the Portio Vaginalis under Various Experimental Conditions lst Report: Histochemical Research of Glycosaminoglycans and Neuramic Acid
- 98. Distribution of Prostaglandins in Several Tissues of Pregnant Rabbits and their Fetus at Prior to Term and in Labor
- 214. Changes of Serum Hormone Levels in Women of the Early Pregnancy Treated with 16, 16-dimethyl-trans-Δ^2-PG El (G 802)
- 152. Long-term Observation of Postoperative Results of Genital Prolapse Repair and the Systematic Individualization of Appropriate Operative Procedures
- 49. Effect of sugar upon physical development and fatigue of school children
- Effects of Prostaglandin E_1, E_2 and F_2α on Cyclic AMP Production by Dispersed Cells of Human Placental Tissues