IS-106 Questions of Oxygen Therapy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 2001-02-01
Power Gordon
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology
Power Gordon
Center For Perinatal Biology Department Of Physiology School Of Medicine Loma Linda University
ARAKI Tsutomu
Department of Cardiology, Kanazawa Cardiovascular Hospital
Murata Tomoaki
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Nippon Medical School
Murata Tomoaki
Department Of Developmental Genetics Institute Of Molecular Embryology And Genetics Kumamoto Univers
Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Hospital
SAWA Rintaro
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nippon Medical School
Sawa Rintaro
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology
Suzuki Shunji
Tokyo Rinkai Hospital
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University
Nishida Naoko
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology
Nishida Naoko
Department Of Food And Nutrition Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Yoneyama Yoshio
Yoneyama Medical Clinic
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nippon Medical School
Yoneyama Yoshio
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Nippon Medical School
Araki Tsutomu
Department Of Cardiology Kanazawa Cardiovascular Hospital
Suzuki Shunji
Department Of Internal Medicine Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Hospital
Araki Tsutomu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
- Down-regulation of members of glycolipid-enriched membrane raft gene family, MAL and BENE, in cervical squamous cell cancers
- Discrepant uptake between fluorine-18 fluorodeoxy glucose and Tc-99m sestamibi in bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma
- Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function Measured by ECG-Gated Blood Pool Single-Photon Emission Tomography
- Association of Mast Cell Chymase Gene Variant with HDL Cholesterol, but not with Blood Pressure in the Ohasama Study
- Mutational Analysis of BRCA1 Gene in Ovarian and Breast-ovarian Cancer Families in Japan
- Application of Laser Doppler Flowmetry to Measure Cerebral Microvascular Perfusion in the Fetal Sheep
- A/C^ Gene Polymorphism of the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1) and Ambulatory Blood Pressure : the Ohasama Study
- T+31C Polymorphism (M235T) of the Angiotensinogen Gene and Home Blood Pressure in the Japanese General Population : the Ohasama Study
- Genetic polymorphisms in the beta-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (βENaC) gene in the Japanese population
- IS-79 The immunosuppressant drug FK506 ameliorates neonatal cerebral mitochondrial dysfunction and energy failure after transient intrauterine ischemia in rats
- Changes in Uterine and Ovarian Arterial Impedance during the Periovulatory Period in Conception and Nonconception Cycles
- Secondary Mitochondrial Dysfunction after Transient Intrauterine Ischemia in the Fetal Rat Brain
- 3D-CT Angiography of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations
- Hemostatic activation and cardiac events after the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
- Magnetic Resonance (MR) Differentiation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma from Hepatic Cavernous Hemangioma: Efficacy of T2 Values for Tumors Smaller than 2 cm
- Decreased Signal Intensity of Cerebral Cortex on T2 - Weighted MR Images
- Rapid Detection of Chromosome Aneuploidies by Prenatal Interphase FISH (Fluorescence in situ Hybridization) and Its Clinical Utility in Japan
- Intraosseous Ganglion Communicating with Soft Tissue Counterpart
- Three Aberrant Splicing Variants of the HMGIC Gene Transcribed in Uterine Leiomyomas
- Frequent Allelic Loss at 7p14-15 Associated with Aggressive Histologic Types of Breast Cancer
- Effects of ion channel modulators in the influx and efflux of Tc-99m-MIBI
- Scan findings of various myocardial SPECT agents in a case of amyloid polyneuropathy with suspected myocardial involvement
- Tc-99m-MIBI scintigraphy for detecting parathyroid adenoma and hyperplasia
- Tl-201 uptake and retention in a Warthin's tumor
- Application of Tc-99m-tetrofosmin as a tumor imaging agent: Comparison with Tl-201
- Uptake and washout of I-123-MIBG in neuronal and non-neuronal sites in rat hearts: Relationship to renal clearance
- Doppler Ultrasound Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow in Healthy Pregnant Women
- The Effect of Maternal Exercise on Ventricular Output in the Human Fetus
- Changes in myocardial oxidative metabolism after biventricular pacing as evaluated by [^C]acetate positron emission tomography
- Effect of H-7 on Cerebral Ischemia: Evaluated by Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging
- Development of the prefrontal lobe in infants and children : a three-dimensional magnetic resonance volumetric study
- The Separation of Two Reduction Products of Nitroblue Tetrazolium (Nitro BT) in Paramecium caudatum Using a Microphotometric Image-Analysis System
- Accumulation and Degradation of Thiamin-binding Protein and Level of Thiamin in Wheat Seeds during Seed Maturation and Germination
- A Microspectrophotometer for Spectral Image Analysis
- Stabilization of intracellular DNA assay with Hoechst 33258 fluorochrome (II)
- Studies on Heterogeneity of Fluorescence Labeled Chromatin
- Biparametric Microfluorometry of Chlorotetracycline to Cellular DNA and Dental Structure
- Microphotometric Assay of SH Content per Tissue Protein
- Development of a Simple Chemiluminometer to Determine Acid Value of Edible Oil Free of the Inner-Filter Effect
- Relationship between maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) of lung cancer and lymph node metastasis on FDG-PET
- Sex difference in the expression and regulation of nitric oxide synthase gene in the rat preoptic area
- Expression of Hqk Encoding a KH RNA Binding Protein Is Altered in Human Glioma
- P-IS-83 The role of prostanoids in the regulation of the fetal cerebral blood flow during normoxia and hypoxia(Perinatology 3,Group 108,International Session)
- IS-106 Questions of Oxygen Therapy
- MR-guided Intravascular Catheter Manipulation: Feasibility of Both Active and Passive Tracking in Experimental Study and Initial Clinical Applications
- Role of Adenosine in Regulation of Uterine Blood Flow during Nonpreeclamptic Twin Gestation
- Basal Metabolic Rate in Pregnant Women Complcated with Preeclampsia : Enhanced Early Detection of The Disease.(Session13 Perinatology3)
- IS-82 Effect of Cooling and Hypoxia on cerebral Blood Flow and Heat Production by The Fetal Sheep Brain
- Changes in Maternal Peripheral T Helper 1-Type and T Helper 2-Type Immunity during Labor
- Changes in Fetal Plasma Adenosine and Xanthine Concentrations during Fetal Asphyxia with Maternal Oxygen Administration in Ewes
- B-Cell-Type Malignant Lymphoma with Placental Involvement
- Maternal Plasma Hypoxanthine Levels in Nonpreeclamptic Twin Pregnancies
- Comparison of True FISP with Turbo SE in Ovarian Imaging
- Fusion of a Sequence from HEI10 (14q11) to the HMGIC Gene at 12ql5 in a Uterine Leiomyoma
- Effects of Traps Formed by Threading Dislocations on Off-State Breakdown Characteristics in GaN Buffer Layer in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors
- Active MR Tracking on a 0.2 Tesla MR Imager
- Maturation- and Aging-related Changes in Heat Loss Effector Function
- Gene fusion involving HMGIC is a frequent aberration in uterine leiomyomas
- Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia after Tangential Beam Irradiation to the Breast : Discrimination from Radiation Pneumonitis
- A Simple Photomultiplier Gating Circuit for the Nanosecond Region
- High Speed Spectroscopic Measurement of Very Weak Radiation with Multichannel Coincidence Technique : Very Weak Light
- Growth of Hlgh-Electron-Mobility InN by RF Molecular Beam Epitaxy : Semiconductors
- Small invasive ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas associated with lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis
- Somatic Mutations of the PTEN/MMAC1 Gene in Fifteen Japanese Endometrial Cancers : Evidence for Inactivation of Both Alleles
- Application of Droplet Elimination Process by Radical-Beam Irradiation to InGaN Growth and Fabrication of InN/InGaN Periodic Structure
- Dipyridamole Thallium-201 Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography for Prediction of Perioperative Cardiac Events in Patients With Arteriosclerosis Obliterans Undergoing Vascular Surgery
- Two single nucleotide polymorphisms of the hSNF5/INI1 gene
- Polarity Determination of InN by Atomic Hydrogen Irradiation
- q-space Imaging (QSI) of the Brain : Comparison of Displacement Parameters by QSI and DWI
- Effect of changes in renal circulation on serum uric acid levels in women with twin pregnancy
- Ultrastructural Changes in the Rat Endometrium during the Normal Estrous Cycle : Interactions between Epithelial Cells, Stromal Cells, Macrophages and Eosinophils
- Intradiploic epidermoid cyst with focal internal enhancement
- Accurate Stabilization of a 3mW Single-Mode Output He-Ne Laser by Intermittent Frequency Offset Locking to an Iodine Stabilized He-Ne Laser
- Intermittent Frequency Offset Lock of a Symmetric Three-Mode Stabilized He-Ne Laser to an Iodine Stabilized He-Ne Laser
- An Intermittent Frequency Offset Lock of a Transverse Zeeman Laser to an Iodine Stabilized He-Ne Laser
- Optical Glucose Monitoring Based on Femtosecond Two-Color Pulse Interferometry
- Multiple-Scattering-Free Optical Glucose Monitoring Based on Femtosecond Pulse Interferometry
- Phase-Modulation Fluorometer Using an Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diode
- Combination of a Gated Phtotomultiplier Tube and a Phase Sensitive Detector for Use in an Intensive Pulsed Background Light Situation
- A Comparison of Serum Leptin Concentrations in Obese and Normal Weight Japanese Women with Regular Menstrual Cycle
- Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor of the uterus : Cytological and immunohistochemical observation of a case
- PD1-1 Quantitative Analysis of Arterial Calcification with X-ray Photogram(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Lectin Histochemical Study of Squamous Carcinoma in the Head and Neck Region
- Crystal Growth and Optical Property of GaN on Silica Glass by Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma-Excited Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ECR-MBE)
- Endovascular treatment of ureteroarterial fistulas with stent-grafts
- Comparison of Pulsed-Excitation and Phase-Modulation Methods for Estimating Fluorescence Lifetime Values Using a Convolved-Autoregressive Model and a High-Gain Photomultiplier Tube
- Pseudo-Lock-in Light Detection Method for a Sinusoidally-Gain-Modulated Photomultiplier Tube
- Accuracy of ultrasonographic fetal weight estimation in Japanese twin pregnancies
- Brugada Syndrome With Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation Related to Hypokalemia
- A Simple Frequency Lock of Green YAG Laser to Dispersion Line of the linear Absorption Spectrum of Iodine Molecules Utilizing an Acousto-Optic Frequency Shifter
- Prenatal ultrasonographic findings of large pseudocysts and edema of the umbilical cord
- Risk factors for emergency cesarean delivery of the second twin after vaginal delivery of the first twin
- Clinical significance of pregnancies with circumvallate placenta
- Plasma Adenosine Levels in Peri-Menopausal Women Having Frequent Hot Flushes
- Obstetric outcomes of elderly primiparous singleton pregnancies conceived by in vitro fertilization compared with those conceived spontaneously
- Antenatal screening for circumvallate placenta