28a-E-1 LHDにおける反磁性エネルギーおよびプラズマ電流の計測
物理学と核融合, 菊池満著, 京都大学学術出版会, 2009年, 258ページ, ISBN978-4876989317
31aYJ-2 LHD における高速イオン励起トロイダルアルヴェン固有モードの安定性に関する研究
25aA15P LHDにおける高イオン温度放電の達成(ヘリカル)
3p-T-2 CHSにおける高ベータNBIプラズマ実験II
29p-Z-1 CHSにおけるNBI可変入射角実験
Increase of Central Ion Temperature after Carbon Pellet Injection in Ne-Seeded NBI Discharges of LHD
Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
23aZB-11 LHDにおける核融合三重積の巨視的パラメータ依存性(23aZB 核融合プラズマ(輸送・閉じ込め・プラズマ壁相互作用),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
21pTA-10 LHDの内部拡散障壁形成に周辺磁場構造が与える影響(核融合プラズマ(磁場閉じ込め核融合),領域2,プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核談合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理)
19aQA-4 LHDにおける内部拡散障壁形成時の閉じ込め特性(核融合プラズマ(磁場閉じ込め核融合(輸送・閉じ込め特性,非線形現象)),領域2,原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理)
Composition of Positive Ions in High-Density H_2 Plasmas Measured by Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Measurement of Edge Density Profiles and Fluctuations in the H-Mode Discharge of the Compact Helical System (CHS) with a Thermal Neutral Lithium Beam Probe
Effect of Plasma Current on Magnetohydrodynamic Modes in Neutral Beam Heated Plasmas in Compact Helical System
Experimental Observation of Magnetic Fluctuations in NBI Heated Plasmas in CHS
Comparative Study on Effect of Boronization and Titanium Gettering in Compact Helical System Heliotron/Torsatron Device
25pB1p LHDにおける強磁場での磁気面計測(ヘリカル/プラズマ応用)
19th Symposium on Fusion Technology(SOFT)報告 : 国際会議報告
29aB07 LHDにおけるICRF加熱による高エネルギーイオンの輸送解析(ヘリカルI)
Electron Heat Transport Analysis of Low-Collisionality Plasmas in the Neoclassical-Transport-Optimized Configuration of LHD
28a-E-2 LHDのファーストプラズマにおける水素及び不純物の振舞いについて
28aA34P LHD実験におけるプラズマ電流とMHD平衡の解析(II)(トカマク2/ヘリカル1)
Electrical Breakdown Assisted by Shock Wave in Benzene
29a-YX-2 CHSにおける磁気丘配位でのMHD安定性
26aQJ-9 LHDにおける共鳴磁場とMHDモードとの相互作用(26aQJ 核融合プラズマ(MHD・高速イオン),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
27p-B-1 CHSにおけるNBIプラズマへのECH重量実験
30a-F-8 CHSにおけるICRF加熱時の高エネルギー粒子の振る舞い
Reflection-Induced Light Correlation in Spontaneous Emission in Front of a Mirror
Laser Emission from Dye-Doped Small Spheres by Ultraviolet N_2 Laser Pumping
Investigation of the Transient Glow Discharge in Nitrogen
Measurement of Time Lag of Electrical Breakdown in Polymethylmathacrylate under Highly Non-Uniform Field Using Nanosecond Pulse Voltage
28p-YA-9 CHSにおける高ベータNBIプラズマ実験
29pB07 [招待講演]LHD周辺輸送における磁場構造の役割(ヘリカル)
30pYJ-2 大型ヘリカル装置における異常輸送の磁場形状依存性について
29pB06 [招待講演]LHDにおけるペレット入射後の密度分布尖鋭化(ヘリカル)
29pB05 LHDプラズマの周辺部で励起される圧力駆動MHD不安定性の非線形発展(ヘリカルII)
23aXG-8 LHDにおける高速イオン励起アルヴェン固有モードの研究
22aH-9 LHDにおける高速イオン励起MHD不安定性の研究
Molecular resolution imaging of protein molecules in liquid using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy
Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiol and Fluoroalkanethiol Investigated by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
Local Surface Potential Measurements of Carbon Nanotube FETs by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
Improvement of Coupling-Out Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Devices by Dot Array Structures with Organic Layer(Fabrication of Organic Nano-devices)(Recent Progress in Organic Molecular Electronics)
Orientation Control of High-Density Polyethylene Molecular Chains Using Atomic Force Microscope
Submolecular-Resolution Studies on Metal-Phthalocyanines by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
Investigations of Nanoparticles by Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Combined with Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Using a Piezoelectric Cantilever
Orientation Control of Molecular Chains in Polymers Using Atomic Force Microscopy
Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of Phase-Separated Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers with Different Head Groups
Pyroelectricity of Ferroelectric Vinylidene Fluoride-Oligomer-Evaporated Thin Films
Nanoscale Investigation of Optical and Electrical Properties by Dynamic-Mode Atomic Force Microscopy Using a Piezoelectric Cantilever
Nanoscale Electrical Properties of Molecular Films in the Vicinity of Platinum Ultrathin Film Electrode
Fabrication of Nanogap Electrodes Using Ultrathin Metal Film
Investigations of Local Surface Properties by SNOM Combined with KFM Using a PZT Cantilever(Special Issue on Near-Field Optics and Its Applications)
Fabrication of Nanometer-Scale Pattern Using Current-Controlled Scanning Probe Lithography
Experimental Study on Energy Dissipation Induced by Displacement Current in Non-contact Aomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Molecular Thin Films
Surface Potential Measurement of Oligothiophene Ultrathin Films by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
Fabrication of a Nanogap on a Metal Nanowire Using Scanning Probe Lithography
Molecular Ferroelectricity of Vinylidene Fluoride Oligomer Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy
Structures and Ferroelectric Natures of Epitaxially Grown Vinylidene Fluoride Oligomer Thin Films
Nanometer-Scale Characterization of Ferroelectric Polymer Thin Films by Variable-Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy
Structures and Electrical Properties of Fullerene Thin Films on Si(111)-7×7 Surface Investigated by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
Investigation of Nonswitching Regions in Ferroelectric Thin Films Using Scanning Force Microscopy
Dynamic Force Microscopy Investigations of C_ Deposited on Si(111) Surface
Investigation of Surface Potential of Ferroelectric Organic Molecules by Scanning Probe Microscopy
The Molecular Arrangements of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111) Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Structures and Local Polarized Domains of Ferroelectric Organic Films Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
Structural Study on Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanedithiol Molecules
25pA6 LHDにおけるエネルギー閉じ込め比例則と閉じ込め改善についての考察(ヘリカル/計測)
Possibility of Profile Control using Compact Toroid Injection on Large Helical Device
4-1 炉心プラズマ : 4. 一般講演 (ポスター発表) : 第2回核融合エネルギー連合講演会
Measurement of Space Potential Fluctuations During MHD Activities in a Toroidal Helical Plasma with a Heavy Ion Beam Probe
Proposal of a Single Sweep Measurement of a Potential Profile in Tokamak Plasmas by High Voltage Heavy Ion Beam Probes
Electrical Breakdown at the Falling Edge of Rectangular Pulse Voltage Curve in Cyclohexane under Nonuniform Field Configuration
D-4 Manufacturing Technology of High Resolution Probes for NDT
Enhancement of Ultrasonic Testing Equipment Time Based Resolution by Synthetic Waveform Generator : Ultrasonic Microscopy and Nondestructive Testing
27pB07P LHDにおける高密度領域でのエネルギー閉じ込め特性について(ヘリカル)
27pB05P ペレット入射による燃料供給法の最適化(ヘリカル)
29pB06P LHDにおけるペレットの溶発挙動と密度再分配(ヘリカル2/慣性核融合/新概念)
14aXB-2 ヘリカルプラズマにおける電流駆動型 MHD 不安定性の特性(核融合プラズマ : 不安定性・加熱, 領域 2)
Construction of a 100-Hz-Repetition-Rate 28-Channel Thomson Scattering System for the JIPPT-IIU Tokamak
Effect of In Situ Carbon Coating on ICRF-Heated Tokamak Plasmas Relating to Radiation Loss by Iron-Impurities in JIPP T-IIU
4p-T-2 CHSにおける輸送係数の評価(I)
30a-TH-6 CHSにおけるECHプラズマの輸送解析
Numerical Studies on Ergodization Effect of Externally-Applied Helical Field
Helically Assisted Low-q Tokamak with l=2 Helical Winding
25pA8 LHDの高電子密度プラズマにおけるECE計測(ヘリカル/計測)
Nature of Tip-Sample Interaction in Dynamic Mode Atomic Force Microscopy
Tip-Induced Surface Disorder on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon(111) Surface Observed by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Atomic Force Microscopy
Observation of Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon (111) Surface by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Atomic Force Microscopy
29p-ZC-2 CHSにおける基本波(53.2GHz)ECH実験(プラズマ物理・核融合)
Proposal of Optical Near-Field Probe Using Evanescent Field of Microdisk Laser
プロジェクトレビュー 大型ヘリカル装置計画から
27p-B-3 CHS装置における水素原子密度分布測定による粒子輸送系数の評価