Fractional Exclusion Statistics for the t-J Model with Long Range Exchange and Hopping
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We construct thermodynamics of the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model with theX / sin' interaction and hopping. The thermodynamics is descri bed exactly in terrns of free spinonsand holons obeying Haldane's fractional exclusion statistics at all teunperatures, Moreover, at lowtemperatures the semionic spinons and holons decouple resulting in the spin-charge separationin thermodynamic properties. We obtain explicit results for the spin and charge susceptibilitiesand specific heat, and interpret them in terms of the fractional exclusion statistics. Extensionto the multi-component t-J model shows that the excitations obey either fractional statistics forg-ons with partial polarization of components, or the paraferrnionic one without polarization.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1996-06-15
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
KATO Yusuke
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Niigata University
Kato Yusuke
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences Univers
Kato Y
Univ. Utsunomiya Utsunomiya
Kuramoto Yoshio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
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