Dynamical Effective Medium Theory for Quantum Spins and Multipoles
- 論文の詳細を見る
A dynamical effective meditrm theory is presented for quantttm spins and higher multipoles suchas qtmadrupole rnonrents. The theory is a generalization of the spherical model approximation forthe [sing unodel, and is accurate up to O(I/z.) where z. is the number of interacting neighbors.The polarization ftrnction is optitnized under the condition that it be diagonal in site indices.With use of auxiliary fields and path integrals, the tlaeory is flexibly applied to quantum spinsand higher rnultipoles with unany interacting neighbors. A Kondo-type screening of each spin isproposed for systenns with extreme qttantturn flucttrations but without conduction electrons.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-02-15
Kuramoto Yoshio
Department Of Mathematics And Statistics University Of Melbourne:department Of Physics Tohoku Univer
Kuramoto Yoshio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Fukushima Noboru
Department Of Physics
Fukushima Noboru
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
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