Nonmagnetic Impurities in Spin Gap Systems
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of nonmagnetic impurities in the two-leg Heisenberg ladder system and other spinliquids with excitation gap is discussed. It is shown that the random depletion of spins in-troduces a random Berry phase term into the nonlinear o model. The classical nature of theantiferrornagnetic correlation is enhanced by the topological decoherence, and the staggered sus-ceptibility shows more singular behavior at low temperatures than the uniform antiferromagneticHeisenberg chain.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1996-12-15
FUKUYAMA Hidetoshi
Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science
永長 直人
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
Sigrist Manfred
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
Nagaosa Naoto
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Furusaki Akira
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
Fukuyama Hidetoshi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Sigrist Manfred
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Phyasics Kyoto University
Fukuyama Hidetoshi
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Fukuyama Hidetoshi
Department of Applied Physics and Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan
Furusaki Akira
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics,Kyoto University
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