Electron Stopping Power in Aluminum in te Energy Region from 2 to 10.9 keV
- 論文の詳細を見る
By transmission technique of electrons the stopping power in aluminum hasbeen measured in the energy region from 2 to 10.9 keV. The discussions aregiven for the characteristics of specimen films ; the effect of the thickness non-uniformity, and those of the contamination with adsorbents and the oxidationof a specimen film surface. l'hrough these discussions fairly accurate values ofelectron stopping power were obtained; they showed the F, ' dependence andsmaller than given from the theory by Bethe or the semi-empirical values bySugiyama in higher energy region, and in the region lower than 5 keV showedcomparativcly good agreement with the theory within the Jim it of the experimentalerror.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-03-15
MORI Chizuo
Department of Electricity, Aichi Institute of Technology
Mori Chizuo
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nogoya University
Department of Nuclear Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Watanabe Tamaki
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Ishigure Nobuhito
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Ishigure Nobuhito
Department Of Health Sciences School Of Medicine Nagoya University
Mori Chizuo
Department Of Electricity Aichi Institute Of Technology
Mori Chizuo
Department of Nuclear Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
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