Statistics of the System of Line Vortices
- 論文の詳細を見る
The statistics of the system composed of a large number of line vortices is studied as a model of two-dimensional turbulence at extremely large Reynolds numbers. The state of the vortex system is expressed as a point in the phase space composed of the (x,y) coordinates of the vortices. A spatial distribution of vortices corresponds to a finite volume in the phase space. The distribution which has the maximum volume in the phase space is identified with the most probable one. The axisymmetric distributions are calculated for various values of the constants of motion of the system. Numerical experiments using some hundreds of vortices are carried out and it is found that the distributions obtained by the numerical experiments are in good agreement with the most probable distributions.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1975-11-15
Kida Shigeo
Research Institute For Mathematical Science Kyoto University
Kida Shigeo
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences University Of Kyoto
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