Simultaneous Suppression of an Electron Plasma Wave and an Ion Acoustic Wave by Beam Modulation
- 論文の詳細を見る
An electron plasma wave of an axial mode and an ion acoustic wave of a radial mode were spontaneously excited in a beam-plasma system. By applying the density modulation to the beam at the frequency near to that of the electron plasma wave, the electron plasma wave and the ion acoustic wave faded out simultaneously. Suppression phenomenon of electron plasma wave is now well explained. Simultaneous suppression of the ion acoustic wave implies that this wave is originated from the electron plasma wave.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1973-01-05
Itakura Akiyosi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Education
Kojima Shoji
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Education
Tsuru Toshisuke
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Education
Kojima Shoji
Department Of Applied Physics Faculity Of Science Tokyo University Of Education
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