Mechanism of CDW-SDW Transition in One Dimension
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The plaase transitiota betxx'een claarge- atrd sjoin-density-xvax'e (CDW, SDXX7) plaases is sttrdied intire one-dittnensiotaal extetaded Htrlobard rnodel at luaalf'-fillitag. NX7e disctrss xvlaether the transitio?tcan foe descr'ibed Icy G?rtrssiata atad sjoin-gajc tr?tnsitionas trtader clu?trge-spirm sejcaration, or' by tlaedirect CDXV-SDXV trattasition. These plaase 1ootrnd?tries are deterta?irred Iayr level cn'ossings of'excitation spectr?t wvlaich are idetatified accordinag to discrete syratratetries of' warve fttt'uctiouas. XX'econacltrde tlaat the Gatrssiata ar?d sjcin-gap trattasitiotas talce pl;tce separately ['rotaa the xveak- tointeruaxediate-cotrjcling region, arad a lcornd-order-xvave jchase exists betxx'eeta tlue CDXV ?rnd tlaeSDXV states. Otrr restrlts are stlso cot?sistetat xvitla those of' tlae strormg-cotrplirag theor'y at'nd of tlaedirect exzaltratiora of' tlae CDNX' order' joararneters.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-10-15
Nakamura M
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Nakamura Masaaki
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
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