評価の政策史 : イギリスの経験(<特集>教育改革と評価のダイナミズム)
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The recent educational reform in developed countries is not an isolated phenomenon. Education reform is pursued as a part of a broader reform, which attempts to transform the welfare state into a post welfare state. The term, New Public Management (NPM), seems to be a keyword here and is used by the OECD, IMF, WB, etc., as if it is a universal standard. However we should not overlook the fact that NPM was developed as a part of the strategies of the Quality Assurance State (QAS) that emerged from Thatcherism in the UK. The strategies of the QAS in the UK are hybrid. There are old-fashioned regulations, direct state interventions and funding system as well as NPM. It is dangerous to understand a whole reform in terms of NPM alone. It is also dangerous to ignore the historical and cultural as well as political and social contexts of the English situation from which the QAS was born. Under the QAS, the main features of reforms are the use of market mechanisms, standards and evaluations (especially evaluations of performance), and the State has the power to set them at the first place. However, if we look back at the facts in 1860s in England, we note that there are two useful examples of a quasi-market in education. One is so-called "Payment by results" in the Revised Code of 1862, at the level of compulsory education. The market mechanism there has two effects : maintaining educational standards and giving incentives for schools and teachers. Another example is the strategies adopted by the Headmaster Conference (HMC). In order to prevent state intervention, it introduced its own quality assurance mechanisms : external examinations held by universities, along with its own inspection system. Under the QAS, civil society also has opportunities to challenge the dominant discourses of standards and evaluation, because they are "open." In other words, the QAS is a state that questions the power of civil society.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2003-05-25
- 学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究 : 学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度(課題研究(2))
- I 地教行法一部改正と学校運営協議会論議(学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究-学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度-, 日本教育学会第63回大会報告)
- 地教行法一部改正と学校運営協議会論議(学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究 : 学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度,課題研究(2),課題(2)-1)
- 国家の教育責任の新たなる在り方 : イギリス「品質保証国家」の教育政策(国家の教育責任と地方分権 : 「学校」の変貌を問う)
- 志水宏吉[著], 『学校文化の比較社会学-日本とイギリスの中等教育-』, A5 判, 356 頁, 本体 5, 800 円, 東京大学出版会, 2002 年 9 月刊
- 評価の政策史 : イギリスの経験(教育改革と評価のダイナミズム)
- 公開シンポジウム・総括(総括,III 公開シンポジウム)
- 清原正義著, 『教育行政改革と学校事務』, 学事出版, 2000年, 319頁(VIII BOOK REVIEW)
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