『イギリス教育行政制度成立史』, 東京大学出版会, 1992年(学会奨励賞を受賞して-受賞者による著書紹介,V 学会奨励賞)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Generally the principle of "Partnership" in English educational administration is described as a harmonious and cooperative set of relationships among the central, the Local Education Authorities and the schools. However, this is neither an abstract relationship nor is it a sort of democratic model. Two of these partners, the Board of Education and LEAs replaced, respectively, the Privy Council's Committee on Education and School Boards in order to introduce educational reforms. Moreover, the relationships among the partners were defined by the Education Acts of 1899, 1902 and 1904. During the first half of the 19th Century, elementary education was mainly provided by religious bodies. In 1833, the central government started subsiding elementary schools through two main religious bodies. However there was no power of the central government to lead in educational policies. The Revised Code of 1862 gave power to the central government to promote a sort of secular and national minimum elementary education. But the educational administration system was not changed. The Elementary Education Act of 1870 established School Boards and gave them the power of levy on the rate for providing elementary education in order to 'fill the gap.' School Boards were elected by the ratepayers and insisted on secular education and public control because they were based on a rate as a third fund. The supporters of School Boards were mainly the lower middle classes and the upper labour classes, Nonconformists, Socialists, and so on. School Boards started providing elementary education by pushing up the rate of compulsory schooling and also providing quasi-secondary education. This trend was obvious in Northern industrial areas. To connect elementary education to secondary education was one of the desires of people who were not able to pay for the tuition fee and omitted from secondary schools. But by the judgement of the Cockerton Case in 1900, it became illegal (ultra vires) for School Boards to provide an education other than elementary. Thus, this problem became political. The Education Acts of 1902 and 1904 were the result. Under the 1902 Act, School Boards were abolished and a new local education authority (LEA) system was introduced. LEAs were meant to help any elementary school in its area and may provide education other than elementary. However, there is no provision of connection for both kinds of education in the Act. The 1902 Act was not invented by Sidney Webb, but by Morant who wanted to make a division between elementary and secondary education. Furthermore, Morant wanted to build a public education controlled by professionals and bureaucrats who were organized in to schools and local and central authorities. The LEA is not an ad hoc authority but a local government (council) itself. Councilors were elected as members of a multi-purpose local government body and they were 'laymen' for education. Morant believed that the councilors intended to ask for help from the professions who knew what elementary education was and who did not want to break a barrier between elementary and secondary education. The final goal for Morant was the Education Act of 1904 that allowed the central government to spend local government momey on schools which were rejected for LEA support. The Education Act of 1904 swept away the aspects of 'popular control' of the Education Act of 1902. The principle of "Partnership" is a sort of ideology which hides the real relationships among the partners.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1994-10-01
- 学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究 : 学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度(課題研究(2))
- I 地教行法一部改正と学校運営協議会論議(学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究-学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度-, 日本教育学会第63回大会報告)
- 地教行法一部改正と学校運営協議会論議(学校のガバナンスとマネジメントに関する総合的研究 : 学校運営協議会の法制化に見る学校ガバナンスの思想と制度,課題研究(2),課題(2)-1)
- 国家の教育責任の新たなる在り方 : イギリス「品質保証国家」の教育政策(国家の教育責任と地方分権 : 「学校」の変貌を問う)
- 志水宏吉[著], 『学校文化の比較社会学-日本とイギリスの中等教育-』, A5 判, 356 頁, 本体 5, 800 円, 東京大学出版会, 2002 年 9 月刊
- 評価の政策史 : イギリスの経験(教育改革と評価のダイナミズム)
- 公開シンポジウム・総括(総括,III 公開シンポジウム)
- 清原正義著, 『教育行政改革と学校事務』, 学事出版, 2000年, 319頁(VIII BOOK REVIEW)
- 『イギリス教育行政制度成立史』, 東京大学出版会, 1992年(学会奨励賞を受賞して-受賞者による著書紹介,V 学会奨励賞)