ニホンヒキガエル Bufo japonicus japonicus の自然誌的研究 : XI. 年令・大きさと♂の抱接成功率
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Male mating success of the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus japonicus, in relation to age and size, was investigated in 15 breeding groups at 3 ponds in the Botanical Garden of Kanazawa University. Correlations between the rates of male mating success and age (2-10 years old) were nearly constant (about 15%), except for males aged 2 (21.4%) and 7 (26.3%). There was a nonsignificant difference between body length of paired males and that of unpaired males. These results suggest that male-male competition for females reported in some Bufo spp. does not occur in B. japonicus japonicus.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1986-08-31
- メジナ幼魚の群れ生活
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : V.変態後の生残率と寿命
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- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : IX.繁殖期における♂の行動
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : VI. 成長にともなう移動と定着
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : XIV.個体の生活史および障害個体の生存
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : XIII.種内個体間の諸関係