ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : II.活動性と気象条件の関連
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Feeding activity in relation to atmospheric temperature and precipitation of the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus japonicus, during the non-breeding season were studied in the botanical garden of Kanazawa University from 1973 to 1979. Toad activity was influenced remarkably by rain. On rainy nights many toads appeared on the ground and hunted earthworms, snails and insects, but on cloudy or clear nights most of them stayed in their hiding places. Two or three mm. precipitations after several days of fine weather brought out many toads from underground. On the other hand, when rainy weather continued for several days, active toads decreased in number. It may be assumed that feeding activity of the toad is not only controlled by environmental factors such as rain, but also by his own conditions such as hunger.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1984-06-30
- メジナ幼魚の群れ生活
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- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : X 抱接と産卵
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : VIII 繁殖活動に及ぼす気象の影響
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : VII 成体の行動圏と移動
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : IV.変態後の成長と性成熟年令
- ニホンヒキガエル Bufo japonicus japonicus の自然誌的研究 : III.活動性の季節変化と終夜変化
- ニホンヒキガエルBufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : II.活動性と気象条件の関連
- ニホンヒキガエル Bufo japonicus japonicusの自然誌的研究 : I.生息場所集団とその交流
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