- 論文の詳細を見る
An analytical approach to determine beta diversity according to altitudinal zonation was applied to the forest vegetation of Yakushima and Mts. Inaodake, Tatera, Daisen, Hira, and Onnebetsu, Japan. The method consists of six steps: (1) vegetation sampling at altitudinal intervals of 50-100 m by the releve method, (2) matrix table of altitudinal difference in every pair of stands studied, (3) matrix table of similarities (here adopted Community Coefficient based on presence-absence data) in every pair of stands, (4) regressions of log CC values against the abscissa of altitudinal difference in the stands, (5) ATR (average turnover rate of species along the altitudinal gradient) represented as the slope of the regression line. The populations studied in steps (3) to (6) were trees and shrubs, and herb-layer plants (including liana and dwarf shrubs like chamephytes), if data were available, as well as phytocoenosis. It was found that all of the ATR-altitudinal difference relations were highly significantly correlated. Also, the ATR in the herb-layer plants was higher than that for trees and shrubs, indicating more rapid change in the herbaceous components than in the tree and shrub populations along the altitudinal gradient. The coenocline length, represented by the ATR multipled by the altitudinal difference, was almost completely correlated with WHTTAKER's half-change values.
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