揖斐川の河辺植生 : II. 扇状地域の砂礫堆上の植生動態
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In order to elucidate the vegetation dynamics on the bars of the alluvial fan of the Ibi River, central Japan, mapping of vegetation, community sampling and grain-size analysis of the sediments were made in both 1982 and 1986. Plant communities were divided roughly into two groups by relative height above water level of the respective habitat, either (a) growing along stream sides and on the abandoned channels at low level, or (b) on the higher parts of the bars. The communities of the former group are segregated from each other, have few successional relationships and often change their stand positions because of the high frequency of habitat destruction and construction by channel shift. Conversely, in the higher part group, several successional relationships exist. The Imperata community succeeds the Anaphalis community, which is regarded as an allogenic succession induced by the deposition of fine and medium sands. Autogenic succession due to competition can be also observed. The floodplain vegetation is composed of many types of community which are showing a mosaic distribution pattern on the bars. This overall pattern can be recognized as the vegetation fluctuating as a whole under the disturbances of the river.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1991-04-30
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- 揖斐川の河辺植生 : II. 扇状地域の砂礫堆上の植生動態
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