口永良部島におけるオヤビッチャAbudefduf vaigiensisの成長に伴う摂餌様式の変化
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To clarify the feeding patterns of the pomacentrid fish Abudefduf vaigiensis, habitat, defined by distance from shoreline, feeding behaviour, diet, abundance of food resources, and home range were studied through three size classes (small, <5cm ; medium, 5-13cm ; and large, > 13 cm total length) at Kuchinoerabu Island, one of the Osumi Islands of southern Japan. Small fish switched from particulate-feeding on zooplankton exhibiting large short-term fluctuations in density to browsing on benthic algae when zooplankton density waslow. Large fish, except territorial males, tended exclusively to particulate-feed on zooplankton. The difference in feeding patterns between small and large fish was considered due to the differences in copepod density in the water column of the respective habitats and home range sizes. The ecological significance of feeding on benthic algae as an alternative diet is discussed in relation to copepod density, fish size class, and parental care behaviour.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1990-04-30
角田 俊平
具島 健二
具島 健二
広島大 大学院生物圏科学研究科
Gushima Kenji
Hiroshima Univ. Higash‐hiroshima Jpn
具島 健二
具島 健二
角田 俊平
広島大 生物生産
野田 幹雄
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