- 論文の詳細を見る
Educational sociology has held my interest since I recognized it to be policy-oriented social sciences. In this brief essay, I wish to convey my understanding of educational sociology as relating its nature. The points I will mention may sound too familiar to the readers to be discussed here, but I am still in the slight hope that this might be of help to them in reconsidering the nature of their research. First of all, educational sociology is characterized by fact-finding and empirical approach. That is partly because it originated from critical views against philosophy-bound pedagogies which had focused on the history of the educational ideas, and against politically biased educational theories which had superseded the traditional pedagogies. On the other hand, while sociologists tend to isolate a slice of the question so that they can handle it more easily, their task is not accomplished until they place the output back into the context of intertwined social problems and see the question in its proper perspective. In the second place, research in educational sociology is macroscopic while that in educational psychology is microscopic, though both disciplines have positivism in common. Such fields as the history of education and comparative education also pursue macroscopic research but sociology differs from them in having policy-oriented stance. It is true that sociologists should keep on paying close attention to social needs but this does not mean that they should act in obedience to the request from their clients. Thirdly, the members of the present Society show a rich variety in their disciplines. It comprises specialists in economics, politics, social psychology and social history as well as sociology, and accordingly, "educational sociology" is used as generic term for researches in the field of education done by social scientists. This intercommunication between various disciplines can be regarded as an asset to the Society, because educational research is inherently of multi-disciplinary nature. Moreover, research interests for a Japanese sociologist cannot be the same as those for an overseas sociologist. Different countries are faced with different social problems and policy issues. Discouraged by the foreign culture and social milieu, expertise transplanted from another country hardly ever bears good fruit. Therefore, a Japanese sociologist must not remain too sensitive to the trends in other advanced countries. Instead, he is expected to develop an original theory with a full understanding of the situation and problems in Japan. In addition, educational sociology includes not only quantitative analyses but also qualitative analyses, being free from the limitation of natural science which considers what cannot be measured to be negligible. It is well known that natural science goes in a linear way through the steps of pure research, applied research, and development before it is turned to practical use for policy markers. In contrast with natural science, educational research in social sciences is not often utilized directly for policy formulation and administrative decision making. Its chief function is to exert influence over educational policies through diffusion or enlightenment in a long term, usually by heightening the awareness of new problems or new perspective on the problems.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1990-10-05
- 高学歴社会のシステム・ダイナミックス・モデル構成に関する基礎的研究(一般研究 II・2部会 教育計画)
- 大衆化大学の研究(III-5部会 高等教育(2))
- 教育政策論の視点から(シンポジウム 臨教審以後の教育政策)
- 354 省庁所管学校の研究(III-5部会 高等教育(2))
- 政策志向の社会諸科学
- 学習社会の実現と学歴社会の克服は別の問題である(シンポジウム 日本における学習社会の可能性を問う : 「学歴社会」は"超克"できるか-(「学歴社会」から「学習社会」へ移行は可能か))
- 501 1. 教育政策論の立場から(シンポジウム 日本の教員養成を問い直す)
- 高等学校の学校階層別にみた進路要因の分析 : 浮動層の分析を中心として(I-1部会 進路)
- I 学校教育と初期キャリア形成
- 進学・就職に伴う高校生の地域間移動に関する研究(2)(III-1部会 高等教育(III))
- 学歴と社会行動 : 「社会生活基本調査 昭和51年」の再分析(2)(I-4部会 学歴と社会)
- 進学・就職に伴う高校生の地域間移動に関する研究(一般研究 III・6部会 教育機会)
- 教育における最適資源配分に関する基礎的研究(一般研究 II・3部会 学歴・教育機会)
- 都市化にともなう生涯教育(Recurrent Education)の費用・効果分析(一般研究 II・1部会 階層と教育)
- 社会生活に及ぼす教育の効果 : 「社会生活基本調査 昭和51年」の再分析(一般研究 I・2部会 学校と社会)
- NNW方式による教育費推計(第5部会 〔理論的課題〕)
- 高校生徒数の急増・急減に伴う広域公私共通長期総合計画について(その一) : 東京都の場合(II 共同研究)
- 日本教育行政学会二〇年の歩み(座談会・1,第2部 日本教育行政学会20年の歩みと展望,創立20周年記念号)
- 教育改革と行政機構の再編(教育改革と行政機構の再編,I 論説)
- 教育行政職員の養成・研修のあり方(V シンポジウム)
- I 教育行政学の対象領域と研究方法(I 論説)