教育改革と行政機構の再編(教育改革と行政機構の再編,I 論説)
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An effective educational reform which intends to change formal and non-formal educational systems must be accompanied by a revision in educational adiministration and finance, because the latter serves as an essential support to the former. The National Council on Educational Reform has set forth some basic goals for educational reform in its reports. In order to achieve those goals, the government and the Ministry have the task to change the administrative machinery of education in the following areas: 1. The public sector alone will hardly be able to afford to satisfy the various needs of lifelong education and the individualized demands for schooling. Therefore, it will depend on the private sector for more financial resources and expect it to provide more diversified educational opportunities. As the role played by the private sector will be increasing, the Ministry of Education will need to institute a bureau or divisions to facilitate the promotion of educational activities in the private sector. 2. In order to promote lifelong learning policy not only in a single field of education but over the various administrative fields, the Ministries and Agencies concerned will have to cooperate with each other. Accordingly, it is desirable that the Cabinet should inaugurate a Lifelong Learning Ministerial Conference and a Lifelong Learning Headquarters attached to the Management and Coordination Agency. Both of them would assume liaison and coordination functions in terms of lifelong learning. Moreover, the Ministry of Education should establish a position of Deputy Vice-Minister for Educational Affairs. This person would be responsible for handling international issues on education, coping with the change towards a more international society. 3. The Ministry of Education should be freed of daily routine in order to spend enough time and energy for laying out a policy in a long-term perspective and from a more comprehensive viewpoint. For instance, to establish an Agency for National Universities as an external organ would relieve the Ministry of a part of its burden. In addition, it should establish a National Institute for Educational Research Advancement to furnish the Ministry with information necessary for policy-making through its nationwide network, based on its careful researches. 4. One of the strategies for decentralizing educational administration and stimulating local initiatives might be to clarify the shares of responsibility between the central, prefectural, and municipal governments, and to shift as much responsibility for providing educational service as possible to the municipal government, which is the closest to the inhabitants. The dual functions, educational administration and school management, should be separated and the former should come to rest with the prefectural boards of education and the latter with the municipal boards of education. 5. As regards small-sized municipalities which lack the capacity for managing schools efficiently, the "intermediate school districts" plan would be effective. That plan suggests that 100-150 thousand population districts should be inaugurated and a local board of education should be instituted in each of the districts, and at the same time that every school should have a governing body so that its operation might reflect opinions of the community.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1988-10-11
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- 教育改革と行政機構の再編(教育改革と行政機構の再編,I 論説)
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