- 論文の詳細を見る
This article looks chronologically at the main teacher education related reports and recommendations submitted by government councils (mainly, the Central Council for Education and the Council for Training of Teaching Personnel) after World War II, and, based on an analysis of these reports and recommendations, points out some basic issues. Before the war, the main institution of teacher training was 'normal schools'. After the war, however, the normal school system was abolished and instead teacher training came to be conducted at the university level. It became possible for any institutions of higher education to provide teacher training programs, although universities specifically designed for teacher training were also established. At present, the basic level of education required of elementary and secondary school teachers is four years of undergraduate education, but the government has recently been planning to introduce a higher certificate which requires a master's level of graduate education. This means that the government places an emphasis upon formal education rather than on experience as a main channel of raising the quality of teachers. This principle is also reflected in the plan to abolish the system under which teachers with at least fifteen years of teaching experience can obtain a teacher's certificate of higher level without receiving any formal education at universities. The government, however, has also been considering a tpecial way which certifies those who do not hold regular teacher certificates but have knowledge and skills necessary for teaching. This plan is contradictory to the emphasis on formal education as the main channel for teacher supply. The government considers that the introduction of such a system could activate the ailing schools but it is doubtful. The fundamental issue here is whether teachers need only be knowledgeable in the content of teaching subjects or whether they need special professional education. This question was discussed by the government council formed immediately after the war, and has been debated since. The recent government teacher policy seems to be a compromise between these two extreme stances. It is concluded that more discussion and research needs to be made on this question. Otherwise, the plan to raise the basic qualification of teachers, even if it is institutionalized, will not function properly.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1988-10-03
- 広田照幸[監修], 『リーディングス・日本の教育と社会』第一期, 各A5判, 各平均380頁, 各本体3,500円, 日本図書センター, 2006年11月〜2007年6月刊
- 学校体験と定年後の生きがい(その2)(I-4部会 学歴と社会)
- 第3セッション『テレビ・ラジオ・印刷教材』(第5回大学放送教育研究シンポジュウムの記録)
- 「学力問題」の現在(公開シンポジウム)
- 教師教育改革の立場から(シンポジウム : これからの教師に求められる資質能力を考える)
- 地域振興の観点にたった教育経営の意義と課題(地域振興と教育経営)
- 生涯学習と大学・大学院の役割 : 教育大学大学院の立場から
- 入学者選抜制度と進路指導の改善 : 中学・高校の関連を中心として(教育経営と教育指導)
- 戦後日本の教員政策と今日の争点
- 生涯教育論の再検討 : 教育制度の側面から
- 新堀通也編, 『現代学校教育の研究』, A5判, 286頁, 2,200円, ぎょうせい, 新掘通也編, 『現代生涯教育の研究』, A5判, 308頁, 2,200円, ぎょうせい
- 熊谷一乗著,『学制改革の社会学 : 学校をどうするか』, A5判, 272頁, 2300円, 東信堂
- 生涯教育から見た各科教育(その2) : 保護者の評価に対する教師の評価を中心に(第2部 自由研究論文)
- 生涯教育から見た各科教育 : 保護者(成人)の学校時代の教科教育に対する評価を中心に(第2部 自由研究論文)
- 「知識基盤社会」における教科指導の課題(第1部 「知識基盤社会」における教科指導を問う)
- 授業実践力向上の観点から(2.シンポジウム 教員研修における大学の役割,第4部 第22回研究大会の概要)
- 学校がわかるとは?(研究余滴)
- 角替弘志著, 『生涯学習研究序説』, 東京書籍, A5判, 335頁, 3,800円(本体)
- 「魅力ある学校」創造の最重要課題 : 受験競争過熱緩和の視角から(第1部 「魅力ある学校」の創造)
- 創設関係者の立場から(2. シンポジウム 大学院連合学校教育学研究科(博士課程)の創設と将来,第4部 第11回研究大会の概要)
- 学校観転換の方向(第1部 変わりゆく学校観と教育実践)