芸術教育における転移とメタファーの認知的研究 : ハーバード・プロジェクト・ゼロの芸術的思考の探求
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rights: 美術科教育学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf:http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001846532/By returning to the initial researches of Project Zero, this study is designed to find relations to the function of the highly metal process of trying to re-combine the framework of existing ideas and viewpoints by metaphor from "Researches on metaphor" mainly promoted by Ellen Winner and Howard Gardner, the mechanism of artistic thinking process and creativity. Also in artistic quality, a transfer from metaphors of low artistic quality to those of high artistic quality has been found. Achievements in the researches of metaphor in Project Zero are mutually linked together to introduce the force of metaphor and that of analogy into learning, which in turn developed the method of transfer. A study of "Transfer" developed by David Perkins is called "New synthesis theory", which found that "bridging" is effective to incur transfer in high road transfer and "hugging" is effective to incur transfer in low road transfer.
- 2004-03-31
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- 芸術教育における転移とメタファーの認知的研究 : ハーバード・プロジェクト・ゼロの芸術的思考の探求
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