Mycelial Growth and Fruit Body Formation of Lyophyllum decastes in Livestock Compost
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Eight composted substrates were evaluated for mycelial growth, spawn run and the fruit body formation of Lyophyllum decestes. The experimants were carried out on livestock beding materials such as sawdust, bark dust and rice husk after being composed. The composted livestock species were cow, horse, pig and chicken. Composted materials were supplemented. Cow livestock composts were the best materials examined in the study.
- 九州大学の論文
Ohga Shoji
Laboratory of Forest Resources Management ,Division of Forest Ecosphere Management,Department of For
Iida Shigeru
Laboratory Of Forest Resoruce Management Division Of Ecosphere Sciences And Management Department Of
Pokhrel Chandra
Laboratory Of Forest Resource Management Division Of Ecosphere Sciences And Management Graduaate Sch
Ohga Shoji
Laboratory Of Forest Resoruce Management Division Of Ecosphere Sciences And Management Department Of
Yoshimoto Hiroaki
Laboratory of Forest Resource Management,Division of Ecosphere Sciences and Management,Graduaate Sch
Yoshimoto Hiroaki
Laboratory Of Forest Resource Management Division Of Ecosphere Sciences And Management Graduaate Sch
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