部分不対合イネに生じた種子の一粒籾童とその体細胞染色体数 : 特にトリゾミックとモノゾミックについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
Relationship between seed-weight of grains produced in partially asynaptic rice plants (H-648 and H-642) and its somatic chromosome number was investigated. It seemed likely that the heteroploids are produced regardless of seed-weight of seeds obtained from partially asynaptic rice plant. High frequency of heteroploidies, such as trisomic and monosomic plants, was obtained in the progeny of the partially asynaptic rice plants. And various types of trisomics were obtained from the progeny of the partially asynaptic rice plants. I wish to acknowledge my deep indebtedness to Dr. NAGAMATSU. Professor of Plant Breeding Laboratory. Faculty of Agriculture. Kyushu University, for his kind -advice and encouragement throughout the study.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1966-03-25
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