異種血球凝集反応を応用せる動物血液型に関する研究 : 第2報 緬羊血清による家兎の血液型
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The authors had previously published that they could classify the horse blood corpuscules by cattle serum. Thereafter, we have obtained results by heterobaemagglutination of. rabbit blood corpusclues with sheep blood serum. The ro;ain results obtained here may be summarised as follo. w : 1. Sheep blood serum has agglutinins which reat with all rabbit blood corpuscules ( x64-18) and moreover, the authors classiried 4 blood types by absorption-test which were named lo, Loi, L02 and Lol L02' . The group-specifiq substan,ccs which were cl. assfied fonlerly by heterohaemagglutination were made sure with immunization of cocks. 3. Anti-Loi and Anti-LO2 in normal serum exist in the horse, ass and pig sera besides the s. heep serum, but not in other animals. 4. The distributiop; of appearance of each type is similar. and there in no racial tendency, and moreover, we surmised from some tamily-group , of parents and child that Lf0,1 and L02 were allelo-morph. 5. The agglutinin is not affect,ed at 45'C. 3C mm and becomes weak at 56'C 30 1lin., and mpreover, is entirly destroyd at 60'C.30 inin.. 6. The influence of the preservative upon ag-glutinin is remarkable when. added in greater quan. tity (1/1 /2) consisting of I physiological solution. of salt with phenol of of 1 6 form lin solution of which phenol has a stronger effect. 7. The reaction of this group-specific h.etero-haemagglutination in our research were niost re-markable at more or less 20"C. 8. The nature of the heterohamagglutinogeng in our research is ther mostabil. 9. The group-specefic haemagglutinin in our resarch is different frotn pen,haem-agglutinine. 10. ' The group-specific haemagglutinin in our research is different from coldhaemag lutinin.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1951-08-15
- 日本に於けるホルスタインフリーヂヤン種に見られたアルビノとその毛の構造
- 年間林牧馬の血清蛋白結合沃度
- 馬の運動ミオグロビン尿に関する研究I
- 異種血球凝集反応を応用せる動物血液型に関する研究 : 第2報 緬羊血清による家兎の血液型
- 異種血球凝集反応を応用せる動物血液型に関する研究 : 第I報 牛血清に依る馬の血液型
- 牛の血液型に関する研究