- 論文の詳細を見る
The present experiments were undertaken to confirm the presence of serological antigens in the bovine blood cells and frequency of their appearance in several breeds of cattle. For this purpose hemolysis by immunoisohemolysins was used, and the following results were obtained. There are five type-specific antigens (A, B, C, D and E) in the bovine blood cells. As shown in Table 3, 32 combinations are possible from the five different antigens. Frequency of appearance of these antigens in several breeds of cattle is shown in Table 4. The A antigen showed a distinct difference in fre-quency of appearance in the breeds, while the other antigens appeared almost regularly in the different breeds. It was 34.8% in the Holstein-Friesian, 16.5% in the Japanese indigenous, and only 2.4% in the Jersey cattle. The Guernsey cattle were found not to have the A antigen in their blood cells. As indicated in Table 4, the relationship between the frequency ratio of the A antigen to the B in the Holstein and that in the Japanese indigenous cattle may be compared to the' Rassen index' of the human blood groups. That is, the frequency of the A antigen is higher in the Holstein than in the Japanese indigenous cattle, but that of B antigen is lower in the Holstein. The Jersey cattle imported into Japan showed a distinct difference in frequency ratios of the A antigen due to the places where they were bred.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
松本 久喜
西田 周作
細田 達雄
茂木 一重
佐々木 清綱
松本 久喜
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