医薬品情報の利用に関する一考察 : 病院薬局DI活動のケーススタディ
- 論文の詳細を見る
This report presents the results of case study through questionnaires regarding drug information (DI) service of hospital pharmacy. Questionnaires were sent to 192, 90 and 61 doctors of different hospitals, A, B and C. The following is the study results: 1. Doctors of hospital A who expected DI service to provide more detailed DI than package insert exceeded the number of doctors of hospital B. DI service of both hospitals could satisfy the needs of doctors in most cases, but one of the problems revealed was that doctors were sometimes not able to obtain information that satisfies them. Doctors pointed out that information supplied by hospital pharmacy was no better than information given in package insert. 2. The rate of doctors who had not inquired on the ground of the lack of DI in hospital pharmacy was higher in hospital B than in hospital A. 3. The reasons why the doctors take advantage of DI service of hospital pharmacy as pointed out by doctors of hospital A were varied, including "covalence," "readiness," "detailed information" and "objectiveness." Reasons given by doctors of hospital B rather concentrated on certain points, eg, "read mess." 4. Doctors of hospital C received information both on revision of inserted drug description and on "adverse reaction to drugs" more frequently than doctors of hospital A and B.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1983-12-20
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