水稲生育中期以降の土壌窒素発現量に及ぼす要因と発現量の推定 : 土壌窒素発現量を踏まえた水稲施肥法改善(第2報)
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We examined factors of soil nitrogen mineralization in the middle and later part of rice growth (after July), and obtained the following results. 1. For Gray Lowland soil, coefficient of determination in a simple regression analysis was about 0.7. This analysis was between the cumulative effective temperature and the soil liberalization in the middle and later part of rice growth, but the coefficients of determinations for the other soils were below 0.55.2. In strong Gley soils and Ando soils, more soil nitrogen was released in the middle and later part of rice growth than in the early growth stages. In strong Gley soils and Gray Lowland soils, the soil nitrogen released in the middle and later part of rice growth was almost the same as the soil nitrogen released in the earlier growth stages. In Peat soils and Muck soils, far more soil nitrogen was released in the earlier growth stages. 3. The annual fluctuation of nitrogen released in the middle and later stages of growth was lower than the estimated soil nitrogen in the earlier stages. However the annual fluctuation of soil nitrogen in the middle and later stages is relatively greater between the maximum tiller number stage and reduction division stage ; this might be influenced by the length of the rainy season and so on. 4. The nitrogen mineralization in the middle and later stages of rice growth was estimated using cumulative effective temperatures and soil moisture. With rainfall details from March and April, temperature and moisture levels were estimated using a multiple regression method.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 2001-12-05
菅野 千秋
菅野 千秋
佐藤 健司
佐藤 健司
中鉢 富夫
佐藤 健司
佐藤 健司
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