- 論文の詳細を見る
After the results of soil survey work, made recently in the arable areas of Kanagawa Prefec., the map and key for the soil types were published acompanied with some results of chemical analysescof soils. Soil types (after European idea) numbered 7,of which 4 types (Half-bog soils, Meadow soils, Gray lowland soils and Brown lowland soils) were in the rice field, 3 types (Brown forest soils, Rust-coloured forest soils and Colluvial soils) in upland field or forested area (see Table 1 and the map). Of the chemical nature of each soil types the following results were obvious (see Table 2). 1) Of Brown forest soils the degree of calcium saturation increased toward the surface horizon. This inclination may be considered to be due to the result of cultivation, for there was a considerable difference in the degrees between the surface soil of forested area and that of cultivated area in the similar locality, the latter was more saturated with the calcium than the former. Of three principal localities (Tama-hilly area, Sagami-hara upland and Miura Penninsula upland) occupied by Brown forst soils, soil parent materials were compared among them in their calciumsaturation degrees. The degree was highest with the soils from Miura and became lower gradually in the order, Sagami and Tama. Of this tendency of the degree the following consideration was made. Among these areas, Tama area elevated most early followed by Sagami and Miura area is considered to have elevated most recently;consequently these areas may have been subdued to the leaching action differently. The action was most severe with Tama areas rather moderatly with Sagami area and most feeble with Miura area, causing the degree of calcium saturation being higher in the following order, Miura, Sagami and Tama. 2) Of colluvial soils no distinct inclination was observed in their calcium-saturation degrees. 3) Of ground water soil types such as Half-bog soils, Meadow soils, Gray lowland soils and Brown low land soils, there was an inclination of the calciumsaturation being increased toward subsoils(G) except of Brown lowland soils.This induced us to believe an existence of leaching phenomena among these soil types. 4) Point of exchange neutrality had a tendency to increase its number toward the subsoil. This increase may be due to the decreasing of humus conent.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1951-03-30
- 施設スイートピーに発生したリン酸過剰による葉身白化症状
- 62 施設栽培スイートピーに発生したリン酸過剰症(関東支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
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- 土壌-植物系における炭素,窒素,酸素,イオウ動態解析のための安定同位体自然存在比の利用 : 1994年以降の研究の展開
- 3種の土壌を充填したライシメーターでの施肥窒素のδ^N値と栽培作物,浸透水,土壌のδ^N値の関係
- 25 ^Nトレーサー・マルチコンパートメント法によるコマツナにおける硝酸の吸収同化の解析(関東支部講演会要旨)
- 17 反応速度論的手法による有機質肥料の窒素無機化量の測定(関東支部講演会)
- P9-40 都市化における土壌改変表示について : 横浜・川崎地域の表示についての一提案(9. 土壌生成・分類および調査)
- 57 下水汚泥の発酵処理に伴う成分変化と施用効果(関東支部講演会要旨)
- 黒ボク土埋立転換畑における土壌改良法
- 5 りん酸の多量施用と土壌中の水溶性りん酸(関東支部講演会要旨)
- 71 浄水沈砂池ケーキの農業利用(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 石灰処理浄水汚泥の農業利用
- 84 浄水汚泥の土壌還元(第2報) : 作物への施用効果(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 83 浄水汚泥の土壌還元(第1報) : 浄水汚泥の化学性(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 64 浄水場排水処理汚泥の農業利用(第4報) : 野菜に対する効果(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 39 箱根仙石原湿原の土壌と植生(第2報) : 土壌成分と植生について(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
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- 238.土色におよぼす土壌加熱の影響(土壌物理)
- 還元による土色の変化
- 318.混合色素液よりする土壌の色素吸収(続)(土壌化学-土壌無機成分)
- 29.還元による土色の変化について
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