- 論文の詳細を見る
Fused phosphate and superphosphate were added to the soils (see Table 1) keeping the ratios of soils to the phosphates ; 500 : 1 ; 250 : 1 ; & 100 : 1 (in weight). Pure water was, then, added to each mixture of phosphate and soil ; and the mixtures were evaporated to dryness. The dried mixtures, after cooled, were added with weak acetic acid and settled for 48 hours, occasionally shakened. After the settlement, the mixtures were filtered. P_2O_5 in the filtrate was determined by the modified SPURWAY'S method of authors (1). The amount of P_2O_5 was shown by the number of standard colours. (see Table 3). From the results of the above extraction, the following inclinations were observed. Of the soils, which are from alluvial deposit or from acidic soil material and are considered to have a high ratio of SiO_2/Al_2O_3,the solubility of phosphoric acid was high compared to that of the soils from volcanic ash origin (see Table 2 ; in the table PM designated phosphatic fertilizers ; FP fused phosphate (Yosei-rimpi in Japanese) ; SP superphosphate (Karinsan sekkai in Japanese), respectively). If the solubility of the above nature has an intimate relation to the availability of phosphate fertilizers by the plant, the above results will induce the authors to conclude that the phosphate fertilizers are more available in the soils from alluvium deposits and also from acid soil material than in those from volcanic ash origin. Of the difference between the solubility of fused phosphate (FP) and that of superphosphate (SP), the solubility of the former phosphate seemed to be somewhat higher than that of the latter phosphate. Additional experiments of applying CaCO_3 to the mixture of phosphate fertilizer and soil were made, accompanied with suitable blank plots. Results were as on the Table 4,compiled with the results of Table 2. From the Table 4,we may conclude that 1) of both fused phosphate and superphosphate the solubility of P_2O_5 increased, when applied with CaCO_3,and 2) the tendency of 1) was also in the plots of the mixture of soil and the phosphate ; especially remarkable in the case of fused phosphate being applied to the soil of volcanic ash origin. (Nishigahara-200)
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1952-11-10
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