水稲の塩害に関する研究 : XVI. 塩分処理による水稲体内の塩分, 窒素並びに炭水化物含量の消長について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The rice variety "Kyoto-Asahi" was grown in pots by sand-culture with the saline solution of various concentrations of from 0.1% to 0.6%. The amounts of chloride, nitrogen and carbohydrate accumulated in plants were titrated at approximately 10 day intervals from July 30 to Oct. 3. In plots of lower concentrations such as 0.1%-0.2% of salt, no significant difference was found from the control plot, or non-saline sclution, for the amount of each component. In the higher salt-concentration plots, particularly in 0.5-0.6%, the salt content in plants was much greater than that in control plot. The C1 percentage increased with the growth of plant to Aug. 21 (about young ear formation period), and then decreased with the progress of the generative growth. Thus the seasonal variation of C1 content is found, which may be probably connected with the pattern of the physiological activities of plant such as transpiration, absorption of water and nutriment etc. By the treatment of salt of higher concentration the amount of carbohydrate tended to decrease, and that of nitrogen increased at the former stage of growth. While the differences of the nitrogen content between the 0.3-0.4% treatment plots and the control were reduced so that no significance was found in the later stage after heading, the content of nitrogen in the 0.5-0.6% plots was obviously greater than that of plant in control plot until end of the stage. The differences of the carbohydrate content between treatment and control were greater with the progress of growth, and the accumulations in panicles of plants in treated plots were delayed and more scarce than in control plot, resulting the decline of yields. The injuries of growth and the damages of yield in rice plant caused by salt may be due to the physiological disturbance induced by the over-accumulation of nitrogen and the decrease of carbohydrate production.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1958-10-01
- 直播水稲の生育相とくに根群の発達様相について
- 34 サトイモの物質生産に関する研究 : 第9報.生育に及ぼす地温の影響
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- 116. 土壌の過湿がダイズの光合成・蒸散に及ぼす影響
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- 81 ソバの生育と収量に及ぼす土壌水分の影響
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- 43 サトイモの物質生産に関する研究 : 第5報 生育におよぼす土壌水分の影響
- 37 サトイモの物質生産に関する研究 : 第4報 乾物生産と養分吸収
- 40 サトイモの物質生産に関する研究 : 第3報 生育に伴う葉身角度の推移と光合成速度
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- 水稲の塩害に関する研究 : (IX) 塩分処理による吸水量及び蒸散量の変化に就いて (第107回講演会)
- 44 サトイモの物質生産に関する研究 : 第2報 葉位別葉面積に及ぼす環境要因とくに日長の影響について
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- サトイモの物質生産に関する研究 : 第1報 生育に伴う個葉の光合成作用の推移
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- 91 サトイモの物質生産に関する研究 : 第1報 生育に伴う光合成作用の推移
- 愛媛県東予地方における作物生産の動向 : 経営の実態および農家の意識調査
- 甘藷直播栽培における種藷の大きさと生育収量との関係 (第145回講演会)
- 水稲の塩害生理に関する研究 : (III) 培養液塩分濃度による水稲体内への塩分吸収経過の差異について (第133回 講演会)
- 水稲の根の水中酸素吸収に及ぼす光線並びに温度の影響 (第120回 講演会)
- 水稲の塩害に関する研究 : XVI. 塩分処理による水稲体内の塩分, 窒素並びに炭水化物含量の消長について
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- 水稲の塩害に関する研究 : XIV : 硫安施用量の多少による塩害程度の差異について (第111回講演会)
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- 水稲の塩害に関する研究 : IX. 出穂期に於ける塩分処理が開花並びに稔実に及ぼす影響 (第106回講演会)
- 水稲の塩害に関する研究 : (VII) 幼穂発育期に於ける塩害について (第102回講演会)
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