豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第4報 大豆の生育, 収量におよぼす生殖生長初中期の低温と窒素質肥料との関係
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1) Experiment-I was conducted to examine the effects of a high level of nitrogen (N) application with several fertilizers, including slowly available N as a farmyard manure, rape seed cake, fish meal, IB and CDU on the growth and yield of soybeans subjected to low temperature, at 15℃, day and night under the natural light condition of a glasshouse in the phytotron for 15 days (L-1) or 30 days (L-2), from a few days before the onset of the flowering of the controls grown in a glasshouse, similar to the natural condition. In addition to an indeterminate type of American variety which was mostly used, its isogenic line, genetically alike in characters other than inability of nodulation, was referred to measuring the effects of nitrogenous fertilizers on growth and yield. The results will be described with nodulating plants unless otherwise indicated. Based on the flowers developed under 15℃ during the sensitive stages to low temperature and their corresponding controls, seed yield and yield components of each fertilizer plot were compared with the L-2 and control condition for measuring the direct effect of low temperature injury. The major sources of decrease in seed yield were the decrease in the pod number, or pod setting rate, and the fertile seed percentage, but the statistical difference among fertilizers was only obtained in the pod number, or the pod setting rate. The rate of damage caused by the low temperature treatment was least at the farmyard manure and greatest at the CDU plot. In the total seed weight produced through the flowering period, the farmyard manure plot was the highest in both the two low temperature treatments and the control. All of the other four slowly available N fertilizers tested were also superior to both the high and standard level of ammonium sulfate. The weights of leaves and stems at maturity were the highest at the farmyard manure plot and all of the fertilizers tested showed similar trend to the seed yield. The nonnodulating line markedly responded to N fertilization in growth and yield, but the trend of response to fertilizers was in contrast to that of the nodulating line. Compared with the high level of ammonium sulfate plots, the plots slowly available N including the farmyard manure produced about 30% less in dry matter weight. The excellence of the farmyard manure for growth and yield was only shown in the nodulated plants in which no significant depression of N fixation was observed through plant development in spite of the high rate of N contained 2) Experiment-II was conducted to confirm the results of experiment-I and to examine the effects of the application of humates or oat straw, combined with the nitrogenous fertilizers, on the plants, when subjected to low temperature for 15 days, from the onset of flowering (L-4), five days before (L-3), or after (L-5) the onset of flowering of the controls, grown under the natural condition. The variety used is a representative of the determinate type in Hokkaido. The farmyard manure again exhibited stable and high seed weight over three different stages of low temperature treatments and the control. The plot, combined with 80% of N from slowly available N as CDU and 20% from ammonium sulfate, with or without the addition of humate or oat straw, showed as significantly high as farmyard manure in the seed yield, compared with the plots of high and standard levels of ammonium sulfate. Despite the increase in the 100-seed weight, the addition of humate, and or oat straw indicated no increase in the seed weight because of the depression of vegetative growth and the tendency of decrease in the flower number. 3) In the farmyard manure plot, the factors attributed to the high yield obtained in both the low temperature treatments of experiment-I and -II were in the excellent growth, shown in the abundance of the flower number, accompanied by good nodulation, and maintaining a comparatively low N concentration in the plants, during the sensitive
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1973-12-30
- 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第8報 低温下における大豆の結莢におよぼすB-995の影響
- 74 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 低温条件下における大豆の結莢におよぼす各種化学物質の影響
- 73 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 北海道における豆類の地帯別品種作付の実態
- 72 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 大豆の花粉の稔性,結莢率,莢の生長,出葉速度などの温度反応
- 71 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 生育時期別の低温が生育・収量に及ぼす影響
- 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第7報 花器発育期間における障害型冷害敏感期と大豆個体の窒素の状態との関係
- 101 菜豆の生育におよぼす光質の影響
- 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第6報 大豆の収量構成形質におよぼす低温ならびに窒素と燐供給濃度の直接および間接的影響
- 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第5報 大豆の生育・収量におよぼす生殖生長初中期の低温と燐酸肥料ならびに施肥水準との関係
- 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第4報 大豆の生育, 収量におよぼす生殖生長初中期の低温と窒素質肥料との関係
- 85 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 人工照明条件下における大豆の結莢習性について
- 77 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 夛窒素条件下における低温障害と花器発育時期との関係
- 58 ビートの生育初期の形態形成におよぼす光質の影響
- 大豆の低温障害とくに開花期前後の低温と着莢との関係
- 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第2報 大豆の低温障害におよぼす窒素供給時期の影響
- 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 第1報 低温下の窒素供給条件が大豆の結莢,稔実におよぼす影響
- 70 豆類の冷害に関する研究 (改題) : II. 大豆の低温障害におよぼす肥料窒素供給時期の影響
- 大豆の低温障害特に開花期前後の低温と莢数との関係 (第144回講演会)
- 大麦の不稔性に関する研究 : 9. 不稔と開花前の花糸におけるでん粉の蓄積量との関係
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- 大豆の結莢習性 : 分枝の制限時間と結莢率
- 41. 豆類の冷害に関する研究 : 生育中期に低温処理を受けた大豆個体の生育、収量におよぼす窒素質肥料の影響(I 年次講演会要旨)
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