大麦の不稔性に関する研究 : 第IV報 秋播大麦に見られる基部不稔の発生機作
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In the previous papers, the author has classified that the incidende ,of sterility in spring barley is mainly due to the abnormal dehis.cence of anther. In the present inyestigation, this work has been extended to the! sterility of the winter barley in which several florets adjacent to the Ist. and 2nd. basal floret grow to sterility in spite of the fact that the other are almlost normal. It is an interesting phenomenon because the sterility floret of the spring barley ate d.istributed at randoni in an ear while in the winter barle,y they show the peduliar distribution as was mentioned above. Sterilizing perc,entage of the 3rd. floret in the artificial pollination showed lower le, vel than ih the natural pollination. It .has been revealed t.hat the differ6nce in sterilizing percentage between these two cases are caused mainly due to the existence of non-pollinated florets due to abnormal dehiscence of anther or discordance between the rate of filament elongation and the time of anther dehiscence. Generally speaking, anther dehiscence takes place when anther reaches. around the top of glume by elongation of filament and its pollen will be discharged on the stigma. But in this case the anther dehiscents very gradually wit,h Occasional non-discharge of pollen. When the filament elongatcs fully until th,e anther escape -from. the flower and loses its tention, the rupture lloll of anther turns downwards arid pollens fall spontaneously with no successful ,pollination.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1956-03-30
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