イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第1報 オーチャードグラス(Dactylis glomerata L.)とラジノクローバー(Trifolium repens L.)混播草地における両草種の生育
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The balance between grass and clover in mixed sward is highly susceptible to environmental change. Many studies have shown that a sward can become grass-dominant or clover-dominant according to the nutrient status or grazing management imposed on it. In this paper seasonal and yearly changes of botanical composition in mixed sward of orchard grass and ladino clover grown under different treatments in cutting height and amount of nitrogen application, are presented. 1. In all results so far obtained by the author, the percentages of grass are tend to decrease as time passes. It is found that the kind of treatment affects on decreasing rate of grass percentage. Low cut treatment accelerates decreasing rate and high cut treatment makes it slow. Seasonal maximum in grass percentage is found in spring, and then it decreases rapidly through summer to autumn. 2. Yield decrease in grass and yield increase in clover in progress of year are due in part at least to decrease of stem number density in grass and increase of stolon number density in clover progress of year. 3. Spring high yield in grass is due to its high stem number density and plant height. Summer low yield is due to sudden decreasing in stem number density and autumn low yield is due to low stem number density and plant height. 4. Spring high yield in clover is due to its high stolon number density, and summer decrease of yield is in parallel with decrease of stolon number density. It is likely that autumn increase of yield is due to increase of new developed stolon number. 5. By cutting at a high level, yield of grass increases but that of clover decreases. Those are attributed to increase of grass stem number density and the consequent shading of clover, i.e. to decrease of stolon number density. 6. Application of nitrogen gives increased yields of grass and decreased yields of clover especially in spring. In any seasons, much more yields of clover are found in the plots without nitrogen. 7. The responses of clover in pure stand to treatment in height of cutting and nitrogen application are quite different from those in mixed sward. On the other hand, in case of grass, differences to treatment between pure stand and mixed sward are not so much, however the decreasing rates of hill number density in mixed sward are rather faster than those in pure stand. It is likely to be concluded that various aspects of responses found in pure stand are not applicable to phenomena which take place in mixed sward.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1973-12-30
- 放牧における子牛の発育に及ぼす輪換速度の影響
- いろいろな作物の葉身光合成速度について (第145回講演会)
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- イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第5報 夏期におけるオーチャードグラスとラジノクローバーの刈取後の草高の伸長に及ぼす再生長期間の影響
- イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第4報 オーチャードグラスとラジノクローバ混播草地における両草種の生育に及ぼす光の影響
- イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第3報 オーチャードグラスとラジノクローバーの混播草地における両草種の生育に及ぼす刈取回数の影響
- イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第2報 クローバーと種々のイネ科草種とを組み合わせた草地におけるイネ科草種の混生率および生育特性の比較
- イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第1報 オーチャードグラス(Dactylis glomerata L.)とラジノクローバー(Trifolium repens L.)混播草地における両草種の生育
- 37. 混播草地における草種の競合関係に関する研究 : その1 オーチャードグラス-ラジノクローバー混播草地(利用1年目)における競合の様相