イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第5報 夏期におけるオーチャードグラスとラジノクローバーの刈取後の草高の伸長に及ぼす再生長期間の影響
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In the present report, in order to clarify the effects of the pre-cutting-frepuency and the regrowth period on the light competition between orchardgrass and Ladino clover grown mixed in the same sward in summer, the effects of these factors on the elongation of the natural plant height of the two species in summer were tested. For this purpose, two test plots different in the cutting frequency in summer were set up respectively on each of the swards in which the two species were grown separately. In the case of the Test Plot A, the cutting was attempted four times during the period from June 12 to July 26, while in the case of Test Plot B, it was attempted two times during the same period. The natural plant height and the vertical distribution of LAI in both test plots were measured on the 31st day and 62nd day counting from the cutting date of July 26. The test results are summarized as follows: 1) It was clear that the elongation of the natural plant height of the two species was not affected by the pre-cutting frequency. Namely, no difference was observed in the natural plant height of the two species between the Test Plot A and B on either day of measurement, i. e., on the 31st day as well as on the 62nd day counting from the cutting date of July 26. 2) The two species were entirely different in the response of the plant height elongation to the regrowth period in summer. Namely, the elongation of the natural plant helght of Ladino clover exceeded that of orchardgrass in the early period after cutting on July 26 (in less than about 30 days), while that of orchardgrass came to exceed that of Ladino clover on the 60th day counting from the cutting date of July 26. 3) Accordingly, it is concluded that the differences of the light competition between the two species in summer (which were observed in the mixed sward different in the cutting frequency as stated in the previous report) can be ascribed to the differences of the response of elongation of the plant height of the two species to the regrowth period in the summer season.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1975-09-30
- 放牧における子牛の発育に及ぼす輪換速度の影響
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- イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第5報 夏期におけるオーチャードグラスとラジノクローバーの刈取後の草高の伸長に及ぼす再生長期間の影響
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- イネ科牧草とマメ科牧草の競合に関する研究 : 第3報 オーチャードグラスとラジノクローバーの混播草地における両草種の生育に及ぼす刈取回数の影響
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- 37. 混播草地における草種の競合関係に関する研究 : その1 オーチャードグラス-ラジノクローバー混播草地(利用1年目)における競合の様相