Fe-C-S 3 元系状態図のコンピューター解析
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The Fe-C-S ternary phase diagram was studied by computer calculation on the basis of the thermodynamic analysis of the Fe-S and Fe-C binary systems, together with the thermodynamic data on the Fe-C-S ternary melt. The Gibbs energy of individual phases was described by assuming both C and S to be interstitial atoms. The influence of ferromagnetism on the Gibbs energy of ferrite was also taken into account. The calculated results show that the remelting reaction occurs during the cooling process of Fe-C-S alloy. This fact was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy of the fractured surface of an Fe-0.93%C-0.02%S alloy. Furthermore, it was clarified that sulfur tends to reduce the single phase region of austenite significantly with its small addition, and the solidus temperature descends at a greater rate than the previous estimation made on the basis of experiment.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1987-01-01
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