- 論文の詳細を見る
Computer aided automation was developed for designing and manufacturing frame members of the wooden Japanese house built in the traditional style of construction. The total system includes a computer system which process the design and manufacturing data, a data station that takes care of the data transfer and an automatic cutting machine, so-called "Precut Machine" which performs the machining of the frame members. For processing the design and manufacturing data, a data structure was proposed for classification and storing the input data which is prepared in an interactive graphic manner. Furthermore, based on the survey and discussion on the various existing patterns of connecting frame members, computation algo-rithms and data structures were developed so th-at a connecting pattern and its corresponding machining program can be automatically generated for all the connections to be worked for building a given house structure. System software was implemented in a cost effective personal computer system. By linking the personal computer with automatic cutting machines via the selfdeveloped microprocessor-based data station, an evaluation test was performed. Results have shown a remarkable increase in productivity of designing and manufacturing i members of wooden Japanese houses.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1985-02-05
高野 博司
鈴木 裕
山崎 和雄
鈴木 裕
高野 博司
日立メディコ 技研
中島 謙吾
柴田 忠人
高野 博司
高野 博司
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