- 論文の詳細を見る
The classification system of riffle-pool structure proposed by Takahashi (1990) was applied to four streams : the Ayumanai, the Nuporomaporo, the Pankenai and the Kurokawa Rivers. An analysis method using Takahashi's system was contrived, and the validity of the method was examined. The research section of each stream was divided into four channel units (P : pool, FR : flat riffle, VR : Vigorous riffle and HR : heavy riffle) and one subunit (S : step). Lengths (l) and vertical rises (h) were measured for every unit and subunit. Indexes of si and Sl were calculated by standardization, whereby the lengths and the gradients (i : h/l) were divided by the mean gradient and active channel width of each section, respectively. The indexes were put to a statistical test for examination of the riffle-pool structure. Since these indexes did not necessarily have normal distribution, a non-parametric test was applied to the examination. Significance tests were carried out to combinations of FR and VR, and to VR and HR. Si is significant in the combination of FR and VR, and both Si and Sl were significant in the combination of VR and HR. Takahashi's system of channel unit classification was consequently judged to be valid. Significance tests were carried out to all combinations between the four streams, with the result that the Ayumanai River was determined to be different from the other three streams. The result corresponded well to a comparison based on an impression of the landscape. The statistical analysis of Si and Sl was concluded to be a useful method that could provide a rational means for analyzing riffle-pool structures between different streams. Takahashi's classification system and the analysis method based on it, when accompanied by hydraulic and geomorphological parameters, can not only be easily connected to hydraulic analysis and engineering considerations, but can also provide a good means for analyzing streams from an environmental or ecological point of view.
- 2003-01-25
高橋 剛一郎
高橋 剛一郎
高橋 剛一郎
高橋 剛一郎
高橋 剛一郎
高橋 剛一郎
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