教育経営研究の現状と課題 : 社会科学として知識体系を再整理するための議論の誘発をめざして(<特集2>教育経営研究の現状と課題)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper aims at analytic and rapid review of the literature on educational administration in order to recognize the academic standard for a separate discipline. The findings of this review are as follows: 1. It is difficult to recognize the study of educational administration as a separate discipline, because the subject and the method of study are not different from those of other allied disciplines. 2. Majority of the study tends to research on the compulsory and public school management in spite of other different kinds of schools including university. 3. Not a few papers on educational administration does not satisfy the minimum reauisite for academic thesis.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 1996-06-01
- 教育経営研究文献の分析的研究
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- 教育経営研究の現状と課題 : 社会科学として知識体系を再整理するための議論の誘発をめざして(教育経営研究の現状と課題)
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