- 論文の詳細を見る
The number of problematic behavior of students has rapidly increased since the late 1970s. Teachers tend to respond towards problematic behavior by forcing severe school regulations on students. The strict regulations in school education are now a big issue that many people condemn. It is said that these problems have increased by the reason that the school is now the place for problematic behavior, which had happened outside of the school until 1970s. In this paper, I'll attempt to reveal the connection between the problematic behavior in school and the rigid and regulated education, and our present school's fundamental problems beneath the surface. This paper consists of five parts below. 1. A subject of discussion 2. Increasing problematic behavior of students and its qualitative changes 3. The truth of the rigid and regulated education 4. Increasing contradiction of school administration in postwar social change (1) The school's debased authority and normative influence as an educational facility (2) Wide gap between social requirements and school culture 5, Other problems What I'll prove is that the previous school character of public education has been enormously changed by postwar social changes, information age, lifelong educational system and the unitary examination system laying great emphasis on grade point. There are four specific examples below. (1) Changing students'/parents'needs towards school caused by their privatization of educational means (2) Students'lacking awareness of school norms, and increasing regulated education (3) Fierce competition between public schools and private schools (education on market) (4) Contradiction in educational expectations especially for the public junior high school that makes school administration difficult (double bind between what school should fulfill its role as a public character and what school should respond to the private demands of students for entrance examination) Finally, I point out that the rigid and regulated education never solves the deep-rooted problems and we need to make practical effort on school administration by taking those problems into account.
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