Abundance and Viability of the Groundwater Microbial Communities from a Borehole in the Tono Uranium Deposit Area, Central Japan
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The abundance and viability of microorganisms in groundwater were studied using a scientific borehole in the Tono uranium deposit area, central Japan. Groundwater samples were collected from scientific borehole TH-6 at four depths, 104, 132 and 153 m in sedimentary rocks and 177 m in granite rock using autoclaved geochemical water samplers. The total cell count using epifluorescence microscopy was of the order of 10^5 to 10^6 cells ml^<-1>, showing non-systematic change in microbial parameters with depth. Viability estimated from cell membrane integrity ranged from 22.3% to almost 100%, and showed a tendency to increase with depth. In contrast, viability determined using both activities of the electron transport system (ETS) and esterase showed inconsistent depth-profiles. The ETS-active cell count corresponded to 0.57-24.7% of the total count; the minimum ETS-count was found at 153 m, just above the sediment-granite unconformity where the minimum redox potential was estimated. The esterase-active cell count corresponded to 0.4-10.3% of the total, with a maximum at 132 m, the lignite-derived organic-rich layer, and a minimum was found at 153 m, as seen for the ETS-active counts. These inconsistent profiles suggest a difference in microbial viability and activity between each depth. In addition, depth-specific microflorae may develop in response to the availability of various electron acceptors and donors in the subsurface.
- 日本微生物生態学会の論文
岩月 輝希
岩月 輝希
Naganuma Takeshi
School of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University
Fujita Y
School Of Biosphere Sciences Hiroshima University
School of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University
School of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University
Tono Geosciene Center, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Fujita Yuka
School Of Biosphere Sciences Hiroshima University
Murakami Yuki
School Of Biosphere Sciences Hiroshima University
Iwatsuki T
Japan Nuclear Fuel Cycle Dev. Inst. Gifu Jpn
Iwatsuki Teruki
Tono Geosciene Center Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Naganuma Takeshi
School Of Biosphere Sciemce Hiroshima University
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