「状態」としての共感的理解の定義を再考する : ロジャーズの記述の比較検討
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The purpose of this article is to examine the definitions of empathic understanding made by Rogers(Rogers, 1957. 1959. 1975). He defined empathic understanding (or being empathic) as a "state" at first, and later as a "process". Some qualities of descriptions as follows were pointed out. The definition as a process includes descriptions about `to do', but some descriptions express the actions that can not be directly realized. The definition as a state describes the quality of subjective experiences that can be directly realized in nature, but have problem how to realize `as if' quality. The definition as a state is useful yet to consider realizing the therapists' conditions. And the definition as a process is useful rather in clinical practices.
- 文教大学の論文
- 2004-12-20
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