安楽死に関する看護学生の意識 : VTR『依頼された死』を教材として
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Today we are interested in the idea of euthanasia. In the present study, the understanding on euthanasia was studied in 75 nurse students. The questionnaire consisted of 4 questions ; 1) for or against to the euthanasia, 2) right to die or duty to live, 3) right or wrong of state intervention in individuals, and 4) burden to his family. The results as follows ; 1) 80% of the subjects agreed on the euthanasia and 13% did not agree. 7% of the subjects were indecisive because of the difficulties of this issue. 2) In the subjects who agreed to the euthanasia, euthanasia was took for human right and was considered not to be prohibited by the law, Regarding to the burden to his family, many subjects did not answer. 3) In the subjects who did not agree to the euthanasia, legislation of euthanasia was felt misgivings because it may cause a mental blow in the people in a difficult social position. These results suggest that students basically agreed to the euthanasia but they considered that it is necessary to examine other basic problems, such as cultures and the system of medicines in Japan, for the legislation of euthanasia.
- 日本生命倫理学会の論文
- 1996-06-30
足立 みゆき
宮脇 美保子
宮脇 美保子
鳥取大学 医療技術短期大学部
井山 寿美子
井山 寿美子
鳥取大学 医技短大 看護
宮脇 美保子
井山 寿美子
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