スレイター工場再訪 : 会計簿に見るアメリカ産業革命
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The American industrial revolution started in the Slater Mill at Pawtucket, Rhode Island in 1790. This view may seem rather dated, but it is still the standard interpretation in textbooks, and Samuel Slater, who constructed the first waterpowered machinery in America, is usually called the father of American manufacturing. It is, however, well-known that Slater's factory produced only cotton yarn, and that weaving had to be done by handloom weavers. Moreover, the workers at the mill were children employed on a family basis. Compared with full-fledged factories of the Waltham type, the mill at Pawtucket was characterized by a mixture of new technology and old methods. The Slater Mill thus embodies the continuity and discontinuity of the industrial revolution. It is the purpose of this paper to consider this change and continuity, through an exaunination of the account books of Almy and Brown, who employed Slater. One would think that almost all the important facts about the Slater Mill had already been unearthed by generations of scholars, and that every aspect of the development of the cotton industry had been examined. The Almy and Brown Papers, held by the Rhode Island Historical Society, are the major source materials concerning Slater and his Pawtucket mill. As might be expected, these rocords have been scruitinized by scores of researchers. Although I was given an opportunity to examine these papers, it was hardly to be expected that I would find anything new. While scanning these records to reascertain the familiar facts, it however occurred to me that it would be possible to make a new approach to the old Slater Mill through the examination of the ways in which the accounts were kept. They provide another testimony of the cont inuity and discontinuity of the industial revolution. Although frequented by researchers and tourists alike, the Slater Mill is worth revisiting.
- 1996-07-25
- 自己点検から外部評価へ
- 鈴木圭介編, 『アメリカ独占資本主義』, 弘文堂、一九八〇年二月、三四六頁、三八〇〇円
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- 斎藤修一先生のこと
- 田村 光三著,『ニューイングランド社会経済史研究』, (勁草書房、一九九五年月、三二九頁、六〇〇〇円)
- 『フロンティアと開拓者』
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