ホームステッド法と開拓農民 : ネブラスカ州ゲイジ郡の例
- 論文の詳細を見る
The Homestead Act is one of the most important laws in American history, but the evaluation of this law is still fluctuating. In order to understand the significance of the Homestead Act, we have to know more about the actual operation of the law and the condition of homesteaders. The achievement of the Homestead Act should be measured not only by the amount of public land acquired under this law but also by its effects upon the life of pioneer, farmers. Though the Homestead Act gave a free land, raw land did not constitute a farm. There was no provision in the act which enabled homsteaders to start farm-making. This was a serious drawback for poor settlers. At the sametime, however, we know that some homesteaders had no intention to complete the title. Horace Greeley and Albert Richardson already noticed the existence of settler-speculators. Thomas LeDuc recently suggested that public land policies retarded the development of the west by allowing small settler-speculators to control a large amount of idle acreage. Did homesteaders have enough money to start farm-making? Why did they engage in speculative activities? It is the the purpose of this paper to answer these questinos focussing attention on a Nebraska county.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1969-07-20
- 自己点検から外部評価へ
- 19世紀アメリカ東部の家族農場と農業労働者 : ニューヨーク州ロット農場,1843〜1879年
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- アメリカ中西部の農民運動
- ロバート・フォーゲル著, 田口芳弘・渋谷昭彦訳, 『アメリカ経済発展の再考察』, 南雲堂、一九七七年、二、九〇〇円
- アメリカ西漸運動の社会史的考察
- 鈴木圭介編 『アメリカ経済史』, (東京大学出版会、一九七二年、定価二八〇〇円)
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- ホームステッド法と開拓農民 : ネブラスカ州ゲイジ郡の例
- アメリカ公有地史研究の動向
- Powell's Peport on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States. Edited by Wallace Stegner (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1962. xxvii+202pp. $500
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- 田村 光三著,『ニューイングランド社会経済史研究』, (勁草書房、一九九五年月、三二九頁、六〇〇〇円)
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