Composite Structure of Hadrons and One-Particle Distribution Function
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The structure of one-particle distribution function is investigated by a model based on a composite model of hadrons which are composed of valence and sea urbaryons. The urbaryon bonds are classified into the following three types : valence, valence-sea and sea bonds. They exhibit the different dynamical behaviours. The valence bond characterizes the non-diffractive the results from the whole-region formula for fragmentation and central production mechanisms and new results for the diffractive dissociation mechanism. It gives the behaviours of the invariant cross section at large p_T : ρ(BB→MX)~p_T^<-8>, ρ(BB→→B(B^^-)X)~p_T^<-8> and p_T^<-18> for the former mechanisms, while ρ(BB→→MX)~p_T^<-12>, ρ(BB→→BX)~p_T^<-12> and p_T^<-18> for the latter one where B and M denote the baryon and the meson, respectively. It is shown that our model satisfies the scaling behaviours p(ab→cX)~p_T^<-n>f(x^^-, θ), where x^^- and θ are the energy fraction and the angle in the c.m. system, respectively.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1976-10-25
Noda Hujio
Department Of Physics Ibaraki Universits
Noda Hujio
Department Of Mathematical Science Ibaraki University
NODA Hujio
Department of Physics lbaraki University
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- Rank Structure of Exclusive Reactions and Characteristic Features of Inclusive Spectra : Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams. IV
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- Limiting Behaviour of Inclusive Baryon Spectra : Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams. VI
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