Σ^- Atoms and ^<4>_<Σ>He Hypernucleus with Σ-N Interactions
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The combined analysis of Σ^- atoms and ^<4>_<Σ>He hypernucleus is shown to be useful to clarify the characteristic differences among the model D, model F and soft-core versions of the Nijmegen one-boson-exchange potentials. We found that the three potentials do not reproduce both the Σ^--atomic X-ray data and the binding energy and width of ^<4>_<Σ>He within the frame of our treatment.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1995-03-31
Yamamoto Yasuo
Physics Section Tsuru University
Yamada T
Kyushu Inst. Technol. Kitakyushu Jpn
Yamada Taiichi
Laboratory Of Physics Kanto Gakuin University
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