A Functional Equation for Semiclassical Fredholm Determinant for Strongly Chaotic Billiards
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We derive a functional equation for the Fredholm determinant of the boundary element method.By assuming that the functional equation holds for the semiclassical Fredholm determinant for strongly chaotic billiards, we obtain a real function whose zeros are the semiclassical eigenenergies.We also show by the numerical experiment of concave triangle billiards that the semiclassical eigenenergies are very close to the exact eigenenergies.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2000-07-14
TASAKI Shuichi
Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University
原山 卓久
Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University
ATR Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories
Shudo A
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Tokyo
Shudo Akira
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
Shudo Akira
Institute Of Molecular Science
Tasaki S
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
Tasaki Shuichi
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
原山 卓久
Atr Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories
TASAKI Shuichi
Department of Physics, Nara Women's University : Institute for Fundamental Chemistry
TASAKI Shuichi
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
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