Classification of Conformal Cosmological Models : Astrophysics and Relativity
- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigate the general solutions of conformal cosmological models with spherical in homogeneity. Einstein equations are simplified by virtue of the conformal symmetry and consist of scale factor depending only on time and radial coordinates. We obtain the solutions for various matter which are trace free, dust, isotropic and no-flow in the observer's rest frame. The importance of isotropy of the stress is also discussed.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1990-03-25
Department of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine, Akita University School of Medicine
Ohnishi K
Nagano National College Of Technology
Ohnishi Kouji
Department Of Physics
Tadaki Shin-ichi
Department Of Information Science Saga University
DEN Mitsue
Department of Physics, College of Liberal Arts and Science Kyoto University
Den Mitsue
Space Simulation Group, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Den Mitsue
Research Institute For Theretical Physics Hiroshima University
Den Mitsue
Department Of Physics College Of Liberal Arts And Science Kyoto University
Yamada Yasuhiko
National Laboratory For High Energy Physics
Yamada Yoshiyuki
Department Of Allergy And Immunology Gunma Children's Medical Center
DEN Mitsue
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
YAMADA Yasuhiko
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
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