Softly Broken Supersymmetric Theories
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Mass independent renormalization scheme is introduced for broken supersymmetric theories. As far as the breaking is soft, the explicit breaking of supersymmetry does not spoil the cancellation of quadratic divergences (in self-energies of spinless particles) which is useful in building unified gauge models with the "naturalness" of 't Hooft and Veltman. Renormalization of broken supersymmetric Ward-Takahashi identities is also discussed.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1982-06-25
Sakai Norisuke
Department Of Mathematics Tokyo Woman's Christian University
Sakai Norisuke
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Kurashiki-Sakuyo University
Division of Life-Information Processing, Junior College Sakuyo
Physics Department, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Harada Kuni
Physics Department Tohoku College Of Pharmacy
SAKAI Norisuke
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
- Non-Abelian Gauge Field Localized on Walls with Four-Dimensional World Volume(Particles and Fields)
- Selecting Gauge Theories on an Interval by 5D Gauge Transformations(Particles and Fields)
- Vacuum Energies and Effective Potential in Light-Cone Field Theories
- Vacuum Energys and Effective Potential in Light-Cone Field Theories (量子場の理論の新しい展開)
- Potential Energy Surfaces for the Fission of the Actinide Nuclei
- A Regge Pole Model for Charged Pion Photoproduction
- Spinor Ladder Models and the Asymptotic Behavior of Neutral Pion Photoproduction Amplitudes
- Bosonic Constructions of W_3 Algebra : Particles and Fields
- Renormalization Group Approach to Matrix Models and Vector Models
- Macroscopic Loop Amplitudes in Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Phase-Shift Analysis of pp Scattering at T_L=25-500 MeV
- Noticeable Change of p-p Spin-Orbit Interaction at Short Distance : A Possible First-Order Phase Transition Found in p-p Scattering at T_L=3〜10 GeV
- Coupling Constant Relations and Effective Lagrangian in the Type I Superstring : Particles and Fields
- Vacua of Massive Hyper-Kahler Sigma Models with Non-Abelian Quotient(Particles and Fields)
- Softly Broken Supersymmetric Theories
- Correlation Functions of c=1 Matter Coupled to Two-Dimensional Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (B,D,K中間子物理とクォ-ク混合,cpの破れ)
- Vacuum Energies of String Compactified on Torus : Particles and Fields
- Hadron Mass Corrections and Patron Transverse Momentum in Hadronic μ-Pair Production
- Operator Product Expansion and Topological States in c=1 Matter Coupled to 2-D Gravity
- Super Wess-Zumino-Witten Models from Super Chern-Simons Theories : Particles and Fields
- Asymptotic Behavior of Electroproduction Amplitudes in Ladder Models
- Third-Order Calculation in a Non-Polynomial Lagrangian Theory
- Localized Vector Multiplet On a Wall(Particles and Fields)
- Infrared Asymptotic Forms of the Gluon and Quark Propagators
- Application of Perturbative QCD to the Photoproduction of Lepton Pairs
- Volume of Moduli Space of Vortex Equations and Localization(Particles and Physics)
- Higher Derivative Corrections to Non-Abelian Vortex Effective Theory(Particles and Fields)
- Vacuum Energies and Effective Potential in Light-Cone Field Theories
- Vacua of Massive Hyper-Kahler Sigma Models with Non-Abelian Quotient(Particles and Fields)